Passages After 50

finding passion after 50

Finding Your Passion Is a Form of Self-Care

I hope that every woman has the power within to find her passion. Passion is an intense desire; an enthusiasm that gives off positive energy. A passionate woman lives life to her fullest. A passionate woman knows the importance of maintaining her emotional and physical well-being because it is important to her self-care routine. Inaction […]

Passages After 50, Relationships

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honey good women need women adult friendships

How Groups Are the Answer to Changing Friendships in Adulthood

Next Saturday, I will be sitting on an airplane for the first time in 33 years without my best friend, my ultimate concierge. As the plane lifts off for La Guardia in the Big Apple, I know tears will build-up as I struggle traveling alone to a group event without my constant sidekick. I am […]

Advice, Passages After 50, Relationships, Self Care

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Laughter: Why Women Over 50 Should Laugh Daily


*Affiliate Disclosure Everyone has heard that laughter is the best medicine, but have you ever sought out ways to laugh more? You should. Particularly if you’re a woman over 50. It turns out, laughter is not only emotionally good for you, but also physically. I’ll show you why you should make it a point to […]

Passages After 50, Relationships

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Healthy Lifestyle: 3 Keys to a Longer Life

  *Affiliate Disclosure We aren’t immortal—but there are certainly ways in which we are able to help promote a longer-lasting, more fulfilling life. Aging gracefully takes a bit of mindfulness and commitment, but the outcome can vastly improve your quality of life for years to come. I’ve highlighted a few key ways to live a […]

Passages After 50, Relationships, Wellness

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Honey Good answering questions from Ask Honey about feeling lonely and estrangement and handling a friendship breakup

From Frustration to Serenity: Strategies for Managing Daily Annoyances

I have named one of the chapters in my journal “Annoyances.” Over the past few months, I have asked myself, “How can I live with daily annoyances and breathe?” My answer is I cannot continue on the route I am traveling. The fortunate part of this problem is that there are solutions. I am not […]

Passages After 50, Relationships, Self Care

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Many women over 50 do. I have found, the key to feeling relevant, important, and VISIBLE lies within you. I hope my free eBook will help you rediscover your purpose, and see the value that I so clearly see in you. 

as a woman, do you feel invisible?