Passages After 50

stacey birch black dress be seen on instagram


Darling, if you have been dreaming of being seen on Instagram, then this guide is for you! Many women over 50 are harnessing the power of Instagram to build inspiring followings, and with the right approach, you can too! For me, Instagram is an important part of my life and a vital way that I […]

Advice, Entertainment, Passages After 50, Relationships, Travel

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Overlooking Hamisar Lake, Bhuj

How I Moved to a New Country After 50 & Changed My Life

In today’s guest post, Lisa Hall details how she courageously upended her life and moved to India and the expected and unexpected changes that followed. (She previously shared her tips on staying glamorous in a hot climate and she was featured in my “who to follow on Instagram” list) Indulge in the belief that, if […]

Advice, Passages After 50

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Honey Good speaks about the power of positive thoughts

The Power of Positive Words

It has been difficult to stay positive lately, but something today triggered a memory that I am holding tight. I think it will help you, too, darling. I remember this one morning, to a tee, the profoundly happy effect that positive words triggered in a body that was not feeling well. I’d lost my voice […]

Passages After 50, Relationships, Self Care, Wellness

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holding hands in a garden showing the importance of caring for yourself when you are a caregiver and caretaker

The Caregiver’s Guide to Self-Care: Maintaining Balance and Well-being

Today’s story was written by Andrea Pflaumer, who usually offers us sage style advice for us women over 50. But today, she muses on a topic that I have become all too familiar with over the past year of my life — caregiving. I’ve recently shared the story of how I felt that my life […]

Advice, Passages After 50, Relationships, Self Care

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Image of Honey Good holding up her sunglasses ready to put them on stepping out of her car, smiling with red lipstick embracing serendipity

How to Embrace Serendipity in Life (In Surprising Ways!)

Do you embrace serendipity, darling? I make it a point to. I don’t live in the past (even if I do explore my past lives! More on that below). Truth be told, I don’t often think of the past because I am too busy thinking about today. Of course, I have my memories tucked tight […]

Passages After 50, Relationships

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Many women over 50 do. I have found, the key to feeling relevant, important, and VISIBLE lies within you. I hope my free eBook will help you rediscover your purpose, and see the value that I so clearly see in you. 

as a woman, do you feel invisible?