
honey good looking out window holding mug and her book and not feeling lonely

10 Ways to Lead a Sweet Life After 50

*Affiliate Disclosure Want to know the secret to living a sweet life after 50? Even though this year has been a difficult one for me, I’d still say my life is pretty sweet—and yours can be too. Life’s sweetness doesn’t depend on perfection but on how we approach it. Here are 10 ways to make […]


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Honey Good shows us how to practice self care by acts of kindness

10 Small Acts of Kindness to Perform This Season

“Kindness costs you nothing.” -Irish Proverb *Affiliate disclosure. Darlings, what if I told you there was one thing you could do every day that would help you feel less worried, lower your blood pressure, and flood your body with calmness? There is! I recently read a study that said practicing one Random Act of Kindness […]


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Image of Honey Good walking in floral pants and a white blouse

Enlarge Your World With Awe—Ward Off Loneliness After 50

*Affiliate disclosure. Places of Interest Have People of Interest It is not easy to grow when you are stuck! Trust me, darling, I know. I also know from my personal experience that one must enlarge their world with awe to grow. One way to accomplish this is to find avenues to ward off  loneliness. This […]


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honey good women need women adult friendships

How Groups Are the Answer to Changing Friendships in Adulthood

Next Saturday, I will be sitting on an airplane for the first time in 33 years without my best friend, my ultimate concierge. As the plane lifts off for La Guardia in the Big Apple, I know tears will build-up as I struggle traveling alone to a group event without my constant sidekick. I am […]

Advice, Passages After 50, Relationships, Self Care

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How to Handle Anger: 6 Simple Yet Life-Changing Strategies

*Affiliate disclosure. Even with a wealth of books, tapes and classes on anger management, keeping your temper in check and knowing how to handle anger is still very challenging. A Class on How to Handle Anger The following story happened four years ago on a flight from our once beautiful Chicago to lovely Palm Springs. […]


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Many women over 50 do. I have found, the key to feeling relevant, important, and VISIBLE lies within you. I hope my free eBook will help you rediscover your purpose, and see the value that I so clearly see in you. 

as a woman, do you feel invisible?