When life gives us lemons, we just have to make ourselves some sweet lemonade. Here you’ll find our musings, pearls of wisdom, and personal stories to guide you through life’s passages. Explore how to embrace your beauty with style, discover new adventures, navigate the nuances of relationships, pull back the curtain to deal with life changes, and resonate with the reflections of other women.
I’ve shared the story before about how, several years ago, I hosted a small group of women at my home – all over 50 – and was shocked to discover that many of them felt that, with age, they had become “invisible.” One of my girlfriends mentioned a friend of hers moved away from her […]
Yesterday, someone said, “Everyone wears a mask because no one is 100% authentic because of the human need to wear a protective shield.” I thought about the comment and said, “You are right.” I am drawn to authentic women, women who are not afraid to show their vulnerability; their true self. They have no superficiality. […]
After a fun week celebrating freedom, stars and stripes, it’s nice to get back into a regular routine… right alongside my ultimate concierge, of course! How was your holiday, darlings? The weather has been extremely warm here in Chicago, so we’ve been taking extra care to stay hydrated and apply SPF so we can continue […]
My ultimate concierge and I are in New York, the center of the Universe. I love New York. What is not to love? It is the Big Apple! We are in New York for pleasure and business. We will have dinner with friends and grands, go to the theatre and visit museums, have romantic dinners […]
It is 5:31 a.m. I just made a pot of coffee for my ultimate concierge and me. I carry the steaming big red mugs into our bedroom and climb back into bed with Shelly and… my laptop. We talk for a few minutes, and I say, “I love you so much,” and my husband says, […]