I'm Honey!

As a woman who has lived through many passages and learned through my larger than life experiences (positive and negative), I’ve discovered how to take a big empowering bite out of life.

Oh My, Ponder This:








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ENLARGE YOUR WORLD Honey Good walking in floral pants

Places of Interest Have People of Interest

It is not easy to grow when you are stuck! Trust me, darling, I know. I also know from my personal experience that one must enlarge their world with awe to grow. And that means trying to ward off the loneliness syndrome. Your need to meet people of interest in places of interest should be paramount in your life now that you are over 50. You have the time and resources to evaluate your new lifestyle. You should exert your will so you can thrive.

Having spoken to many women, I saw that the isolation experienced during the Chinese Virus had a debilitating effect. 

Lethargy, a complacent feeling, took the place of exuberance and willfulness. If you were an upbeat person, you became less so. If you had problems warding off loneliness, your loneliness and the feeling of invisibility grew. 

On top of the isolation we suffered from the virus you may have just retired. You lost friends and a daily schedule. You relocated to another city and don’t have the tools to fit into a new community.  You lost a loved one. 

The children moved away.  Perhaps you are faced with family estrangement.  You are over 50, or under 50 for that matter, and in a rut. You are just plain lonely, and on top of that, you have gotten used to being frozen in time.

How to Grow a world of Awe When You are Lonely after 50

Your attitude is your latitude. It is your ticket to ward off loneliness.

Have you ever heard the term elevator pitch? Unless you are in business, I would assume not. An elevator pitch is a mission statement short and to the point, no longer than an elevator ride! 

What is your mission after 50 to ward off loneliness and enlarge your world with awe? 

Making Notes to Prepare A Elevator Pitch:

  1. Be A Woman of Action: I will shift from passivity to activism.  
  2. Be a Positive Woman: I know loneliness restricts the feeling of joy. I will reach out and join a group of interest.
  3. Be a Fearless Woman: I will not let fear stand in the way of my goal to fight my loneliness. Fear defeats progress.
  4. Be a Woman with a Goal: Excuses will prevent me from realizing my goals.  
  5. Be A Woman who Creates: I will create, not defeat a willfulness to stop feeling lonely. 
  6. I Will Be a Woman with a Mantra: My Elevator Pitch.

This is my elevator pitch:

“I grow when I get stuck because I have ‘attitude.’ I take action and I will be positive. Also, I will be fearless, I will be goal-oriented, I will be a creator. My priority is no longer to be lonely as a woman after 50 and I work on this goal this until I enlarge my world with awe.”

My Story – My Goal 

It has taken me a long time, years, to be honest, to ‘categorize’ my entrepreneurial strengths. I was lonely with my thoughts and fearful because I felt stuck. During those years, I spent hours debating where my strengths lie. I thought of myself as a big pot of vegetable soup. Floating veggies in an assortment of colors, each describing my array of qualifications.  

I told myself I was a woman after 50 who, over time, earned her Ph.D. in life. And I have, as have you. But, I could never place my finger, and hone in on what brought me total fulfillment. Because of my knowledge in so many different avenues. And then, like magic, it dawned on me just two days ago! Can you believe that! All these years of thinking. 

I realize the skill that brings me the most joy and fulfillment is putting women together in a group setting. Because it combines everything I know women love under one roof. Beauty, style, home decor, aspirational stories, relationships, and a place where loneliness disappears. All the while giving back and gaining joy. Because I am preventing women from feeling lonely while enlarging their world with awe.

celebrate life after 50, Honey Good's private Facebook group

Why I Decided on the Name – Enlightenment Salon

I love everything French. It is in my DNA. I read the story of Madame de Pompadour and her Enlightenment Salons. They were places for women to congregate and become more enlightened. 

“That’s it!” I said to myself. That is what I want for my darlings. I want them to Celebrate Life in my Enlightenment Salon. And so, my Enlightenment Salon will open its doors on September 6, 2022, on my new site Honey Good/Celebrate Life. 

Please sign up on HoneyGood.com and join me.  

I Already Have the Knowledge!

Before reading the story of Madame de P, I held a group meeting four years ago in my home. Made up of ten women from the age of 28- 97 years old made up the group. The New York Times commissioned me to write a story on multigenerational groups. 

I invited women I knew. My friends. Many of the women did not know one another. I wanted it that way. It was an immediate success. So successful that after two hours of nonstop discussion, none of the women wanted the evening to end! My event made the Sunday edition of the New York Times.

At the same time, I was running a group of 10 women in California. The group stayed together for 4 years until I moved away. 

Why didn’t it dawn on me where to lay my hat? My skill. Though I tried to hone into what was a singular joy I could only see the large picture, the pot of vegetable soup! And, in actuality, the Salon will be made up of you and various topics that peak a woman’s fancy.

My main skill as an entrepreneur came full circle two days ago. And what astounds me is that it was always right before my eyes.  

This is what I wrote to my honey bee workers at Honey Good in ten seconds. 

My Complete Misson Statement

“I am a  collector, a gatherer of women. A group educator who entertains multigenerational groups of women. In my Enlightenment Salon on my site HoneyGood.com

My motto: “To empower and enlighten women to celebrate their lives and to bloom to their fullest capacity.” 

It is a joyful feeling to give back. To entertain and educate women with guest speakers and projects on women’s topics of interest. While always listening to their stories and questions. I am smiling!

Ward off Loneliness and Enlarge Your Awe

Nothing good happens by accident. There is always a struggle when a woman after or under 50 understands her challenge but does not have the cure. Especially when you are lonely and feeling invisible. 

Making a needed change is difficult for everyone. It is very challenging. It is very frustrating. And it is very taxing. But it is well worth the dare to go out there and ward off loneliness so you can experience awe. 

So value yourself and your intentions. Take your time to analyze what brings you joy. Then put your intention into a well thought out plan. Finally, erase your fears and replace fear with desire, hard work, and positive resolve. 

The easiest way to ward off loneliness and enlarge your awe is to spend time with women who mirror your values yet bring something new to the table. Age should not matter. As a matter of fact, spending time with women of different ages is a plus. I know.

The Joy of Joining a Group 

I have found that joining a group was the best avenue to ward off loneliness. When I moved from the Midwest to the Hawaiin Islands, I had no acquaintances or friends. I knew I would have to join a like-minded group of women because no one would knock on my door. I was nervous but decided I would rather be nervous than lonely!

Do the same. Join a group. There is a multitude of them. I think you should join a group in your community that makes you happy. There are so many groups to consider, from multigenerational to entrepreneurial. From bird watching to solo travel to a specific charity of your choice. In other words, there is no reason to be lonely. 

Your ultimate goal is to replace isolation with inclusion. You can do it! Be a groupie, and your loneliness will disappear. I know.

How do you enlarge your world with awe? I’d love to hear from you! Join the conversation in the comments below.

Honey Good Women After 50 Beauty Fashion Health

If you enjoyed this story, please subscribe. Along with my emails, I’ll also send you my free ebook. It’s all about being visible, darling!

August 10, 2022


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  1. Diane says:

    Chinese virus? I couldn’t read any further….and will be unsubscribing.

    • Honey Good says:

      I cannot imagine what upset you about using the term Chinese Virus. It originated in China and infected the world population bringing untold suffering and death, loss of jobs and employment and isolation. I do validate your feelings. I just don’t understand why you would not just ask me not to use the term again instead of leaving. My new site is premiering on Sept. 6th and I would like you to forgive me and remain with me. Women always need women. Warmly, Honey

  2. Bonnie says:

    Hi Honey,
    I just read an article that is relevant to your blog today. It’s called “Helping my 80 year old mom make friends” by Monica Corcoran Harel (a writer for the New York Times). It has humor and truth. If you Google it, I’m sure you will enjoy the read. Have a great day.

    Aloha, Bonnie

    • Honey Good says:

      Thank you. I will look it up. My statement, Women need women is so true. You helped me and I appreciate you. Warmly, Honey

  3. Stacey says:

    I am very disappointed in this article and in YOU! I stopped reading after Chinese virus. Shame on you! You know better. I will be unsubscribing immediately.

    • Honey Good says:

      I validate your feelings. I don’t know what upset you. The virus came from China and the description sounds far better than Covid 19. I don’t know what Covid 19 means. Please think this over and do consider returning. My new site is premiering on Sept. 6th. I promise I won’t use the term Chinese Virus again! Warmly, Honey

  4. k says:

    Thank you Honey for your wonderful posts. There is no shame in your statement of the virus. Thank you for all you do.

    • Honey Good says:

      Thank you Kathy. Stating that the virus came out of a Chinese lab and calling it what it was not racist. I am definitely not a racist! Instead, I pride myself on being an authentic story teller. I have asked many people of all ages over the past few years,”What does Covid 19 mean?”. Not one person knew the whole answer. So, let’s call it what it is. Take care, Kathy. Warmly, Honey

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