Two words that go hand in hand, in my opinion, are Resilience and gratitude. Would you agree?
Before Elsewhere I would say, “I am so busy, I am dizzy.” Another thing I would say is, “I am so frazzled, I’m dazzled.”
And, then along came Elsewhere. The frightening and despicable place we live that has robbed me and the world population, except for the Elites, of living a normal life! For the past two years, I have felt many negative emotions. I’ve felt anger towards seedy politicians, fear of the unknown, a desire to flee the country I love, the rude awakening of man’s greed and inhumanity. To top it off, the unbelievable physical feeling of the blahs!
I think to myself, This is so unlike me. How will I survive?
I’ve spoken of bending with empowerment. And over time and introspection I came up with another mantra to help my journey back to positiveness — I will lavish in resilience and gratitude.
Like you, sweet reader, I tried staying uplifted. But at every step of the way, the despicable and intolerable problems in Elsewhere would rear their ugliness. This place has taxed me to the nines.
I swear if I could, I would start a Grandmother Movement across America. We would march on Big Tech, Big Corporations, and low-life politicians. We would march on Big Pharma and all Elitists. Together, we would demand that they relinquish their greedy ways. That they respect people’s rights and freedoms. We would demand that the unrelenting daily fear stop. Together, we would show them to lead the way a grandmother would — with strength, respect, and with love. Not to mention gratitude for this beautiful country of ours!
Dear readers, due to exaggerated fear some of my friends have locked themselves up behind closed doors. Yet the Elites hold parties. I can’t wrap my head around it.
Before Elsewhere I would open my eyes each morning and experience a heart filled with positivity. My cup runneth over, I would think to myself as the sensation of gratitude surged through me. My life had hills and valleys but I was able to rise to the challenges of life with my resilience, like the little tugboat who said, “I know I can. I know I can.” And, I could and I did.
I asked myself 100 times, “How will I survive in today’s world?” How will I stop feeling ‘blah?’ I’ve wondered about this as I sat petting America in the silence of the day. Or when standing over the stove making breakfast for my Ultimate Concierge. As I forced myself to put on mascara, something I used to love doing, I had to accept and come to terms that my lifestyle, like yours, had shrunk. Finally, I said out loud, “I cannot allow lethargy nor anger become a way of life.”
And, then with a positive fierceness, I said out loud, “ I will lavish myself in gratitude, and with that feeling, I will be able to be resilient.” Oh, dear reader, I love the message I spoke! Don’t you?
- I have taken stock of what is working in my life. That which is not working I am tossing out. This is my definition of simple lavishness. Layers of the unnecessary − gone.
- I have become ruthlessly honest with myself that in order to live in simple lavishness I have to downshift into a new way of life. Living a manageable lifestyle is acknowledging a state of grace.
- I have always been an authentic, grateful, and resilient woman. However, now I must be tenfold the woman I was before to survive in Elsewhere. I will double up on the tools I try to live by — joy, creativity, order, simplicity, acceptance, love, and harmony.
- Once again, I will realize my time on this earth is significant to others in large and small ways. I will throw the word “lethargy” out the window and replace it with the word “vigor.” My resilience and gratitude will help lead me down this path of luxury.
- I will reflect and reconnect with LIFE. I am a resilient woman. Hear me roar back into life, a life that is my choice to make life more luxurious.
- I believe my past life and yours were stolen from us. Covid came and then bad forces took advantage of us and the entire world population, save a few. Therefore, I have to use my inner resilience and my grateful nature, to raise myself above this fray.
Remember, feeling grateful provides you with the positive tool of resilience. When you lack gratitude you can not have a positive feeling of resilience. That’s the way I see it. I have an article here on enlightening your grandchildren on gratitude. I believe it’s an important skill to pass on!
The two words gratitude and resilience must go hand in hand. They must be used wisely in your daily life and will turn straw into spun gold. Amen.
What do you do to focus on resilience and gratitude? Please let me in on your secrets! Share in the comments.
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Love, love, love this article! Thanks so much, Honey!
I am so glad you liked my musing. Thank you. A grateful woman automatically finds resilience just because she is grateful. Warmly, Honey
Dearest Honey
You are respected, admired, appreciated and loved❣️
Oh WOW! What a lovely compliment. Thank you so much Carol. Happy New Year. Warmly, Honey
Gods word has kept me above water I find it very comforting and I understand that God is still on the throne. Our day is already appointed we will not be on this earth one minute less or one minute more it is what it is, Learn to embrace the most beautiful things that’s this earth that God has given us to take care of, go and see Gods beauty. Get in your car and go see what God has created the ocean the mountains the desert, take a walk around your Neighborhood. Don’t be a prisoner of your own home go outside and see the beauty of God.
I do!!! I agree with you 100%. I am enraptured with the stunning Oceans, Mountains, Valleys and steams and trees and flowers, etc. Nature feeds my soul. HNY. Warmly, Honey
Every day (maybe more than once a day) I think of the things I’m most grateful for: a small comfortable home in a community I love, a loving family, a wide circle of friends and my health. Right now I can hear The Star Spangled Banner being played at the nearby Navy base. Even in Elsewhere, we live in the greatest country.
I agree. God Bless America. We have an obligation to protect her from those who would like to see her fail. Warmly, Honey
What do you mean by “the Elites” are having parties? The people who don’t believe in masks or vaccines?
I certainly don’t like them either, but they are saving our lives!
Many of our outspoken politicians are part of the Elite group… they talk the talk…but don’t walk the walk. We see their photos at parties and restaurants, etc with no masks while hard working Americans who cannot or do not want to take the vaccine are fired from their jobs. It is interesting that people who are vaccinated and boosted get Covid. Our trainer, 33 years old just got over Covid. He is vaccinated to the max. My assistant was with him, the day before he got sick ( and he was really sick) and she has not been vaccinated! So was I and I am older and did not get the virus. Go figure?!? Warmly, Honey
Can’t tell you how much I love this one. Resilience and Gratitude – that’s it right there.
Yep! It is right there. Gratitude provokes in a positive way resiliency. I am glad we are friends. Warmly, Honey
Honey, I love your take on so many things in life, especially about Elsewhere. You are awesome.
I wish Elsewhere would become once again our beloved, ‘United’ States of America. I will never stop wishing upon a star! I will continue to write about Elsewhere. I am glad you enjoy my musings! Warmly, Honey
Beautifully said, Honey!! I believe we are all feeling the same way! Gratitude and resilience… I must remember those words each day and act on them!
Thank you so much!
When you are grateful you have resilience. They go hand in hand. You are so very welcome. Warmly, Honey
Thank you for your honesty and common sense. Bless you as you navigate these difficult times. Years ago, my mother, young daughter and I met you and your beloved “Orchid” on the streets of Chicago,, a magical place we once thought of as our second home. I am so sad for your city and anyone that believes in freedom and autonomy. Onward and upward.
I remember! We must make sure by our vote that it is onward and upward. Nothing good happens by accident… Bless you and your family. Warmly, Honey