Bored with your life? It’s time to get out of the funk and regain your joie de vivre.
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Boredom is not the spice of life! I can’t remember any time in my life feeling this bored. So when it hit me, it threw me momentarily into a tailspin of sadness and despair. While feeling this utter discontent, I still felt a slight surge of enthusiasm running through my veins, giving me hope that all was not lost.
My boredom occurred due to unexpected circumstances. My ultimate concierge’s illness. It took over a year to strike me and was caused by living a life of chronic consistency. My life revolves around wanting to take care of my hubby. I do what I do by choice while admitting I miss our drama-rama past life!
Of course, I do other things, but not with my usual upbeat attitude because worrying about his well-being and going through a daily and consistent routine impacts my attitude. It is best to let well enough alone because I would not be fair to myself if I hid from my feelings, unpleasant as they are.

One way to cure boredom? Write stories for your grands. You can get my book, Stories For Your Grandchildren: A Grandmother’s Journal here.
I am not big on routine. As a free spirit, I enjoy the zigging and zagging with this and that. I don’t enjoy walking a straight line. I enjoy creating. Now, I go about my day feeling like a robot encased in armor instead of a robust woman with a gleam in her eye living her best life possible.
I knew the case of boredom had hit me when I lost my initiative. I am in the throes of going through it now, and I feel, at times, like I am drowning instead of running with the salmon.
On the other hand, I do not doubt that a serendipitous situation will suddenly impact my life, and when it does, while keeping true to myself, I will grab onto it and soar my way out of boredom. The good thing about struggling with my boredom is that I force myself to problem-solve my way forward. I notice I do very well in the shower and when I am walking my pooch, America Good. I enjoy these times alone because my creativity is stimulated. I have always written that I do my best thinking in the shower.
There are many of you like myself with your varied set of reasons. One thing is sure — When life throws us a curve ball beyond our control, the adrenaline rush of ‘joie de vivre’ ceases to exist. Life becomes tedious, repetitious, colorless, uninspiring, and lifeless.
To sum it up, boredom sets in.
Of the two types of boredom, there is one that we bring upon ourselves. The other is caused by circumstances beyond our control.
What can you do when your life is steady and you are bored? Everyone says to try something new: embrace your curiosity, practice mindfulness, socialize, give back, and so on.
Common sense dictates you should search for the cause of your boredom before practicing the cures!
I have read that self-inflicted boredom is brought on by fear, depression, anxiety, and the lack of a woman’s will to make a life change. In these cases, a visit with a positive psychologist might be just what the doctor ordered. The practice of Positive psychology requires a college degree.
If you haven’t read The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho, please consider buying a copy. It is one of my favorite books because it is a story of self-discovery.
Lastly, on the topic of self-inflicted boredom, remember that routine boredom is a normal part of everyone’s life. So, don’t be hard on yourself; instead, be aware of yourself.
People who care about my well-being constantly tell me, “ You have to take care of yourself.” They are right. Now, I am going to say to you. “You have to take care of yourself.”
Unsurprisingly, a constant routine forced upon us by unfortunate life changes can lead to an unhealthy life of boredom. Otherwise, happy souls, we have been dealt a regrettable blow.
At the moment, I am searching for a magic elixir to revive my joyous spirit because I am unhappy in this funk.
I am a dreamer. I approach life in a nonlinear way. A linear path is for pure realists. They achieve their goal by mechanics. I have never found my elixir by walking a straight line. Listening to my Intuition, the language of the heart is my reliable compass.
So, dear bored woman living with circumstantial issues beyond your control that are creating severe boredom, listen to your heart. Make no mistake that you are going through a phase of boredom. It is okay to value your collapse. It is your opportunity to reassess your needs deeply.

You can embrace change as a woman over 50 if you have a positive attitude.
So, embrace the uncomfortable state of boredom because, ultimately, you will come to know your needs. Uncertainty itself is an opportunity to expand. So sweet reader, listen to your heart, which is your desire. Eventually, it will pave the way for new opportunities.
I don’t have a rule book to share. Listening to the heart’s desires and one’s rumbling mind is essential to finding a cure for circumstantial boredom.
So far, I have not found my course, but I have confidence. I know this storm will pass and that I will add something delicious to my life while never taking my eye off the ball to protect and care for the love of my life, Sheldon F. Good. Some unknown ‘something’ will enlighten me and lift me from boredom to new heights. For those in my situation, I know your heart’s heaviness and plight.
I will leave you this Sunday Morning with this thought.
I pretend I am in our Land Rover, back on the Serengeti Plains in Tanzania, Africa, with my ultimate concierge and three grandsons. Spiritually, I am alone in the day’s silence. Being alone with my thoughts is an anchor that carries me away from all tedious responsibilities and duties and lets me think about my dreams.
The silence allows me to connect with my dreams with no distractions. It allows me to contemplate finding a newness on this journey. I am searching in silence. My brain is quiet yet more aware than ever. I am on a peaceful journey of discovery. I am not bored.
What about you? Are you bored with your life? What are you doing about it? Please share with me in the comments below.
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I don’t see this as boredom. You are grieving your past jet setting care free life.
When it is all over, you are left with yourself
Cold reality and it is terrifying. I have been there too! It is grief. I practice being very thankful and appreciate my past travels.
I have a home, hot water, heat and food. You need to turn your focus on less fortunate. And they are everywhere. I thank my lucky stars we will have a new president that fills my soul with hope.
You just have to embrace the boredom, loss or grief. This too, shall pass. Kathleen
I am not grieving my past jet setting life. I am grieving the loss of my hubby’s mind from dementia. I am grateful everyday and I am fortunate that I have my husband. I am bored with sadness because I love my husband so much and the sadness stops me from living. I agree with you about our new President. He will make America great again. I am smiling. Warmly and in friendship, Honey
I am taking care of my dear husband during his lung cancer journey. It’s taken away my normal love for life. It’s the most difficult time of my life. I’m getting through it hour by hour.
We are kindred sisters in this journey. Sending friendship and love…Warmly, Honey