When life gives us lemons, we just have to make ourselves some sweet lemonade. Here you’ll find our musings, pearls of wisdom, and personal stories to guide you through life’s passages. Explore how to embrace your beauty with style, discover new adventures, navigate the nuances of relationships, pull back the curtain to deal with life changes, and resonate with the reflections of other women.
Hello, darlings! Today’s Guest Contributor is the lovely and talented Mitzi Beach. Mitzi wrote an article for us all about downsizing your home a few months ago. Now she’s back with some sage advice about attending your future class reunions. Enjoy! To Attend Or Not To Attend, That Is the Question! This past summer, I […]
Darlings, today’s blog is written by the wonderful dating and romance expert, Lisa Copeland. She gives us suggestions about how we can instantly turn our dating life around with 3 simple mind shifts. Mind Shift #1 – Shifting A Self-Defeating Attitude A while back, I was having a really bad week. I was feeling pretty crappy about myself. […]
This post is written by Honey Good Guest Contributor, Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein. She illustrates the benefits of positive psychology and details the profound impact of the encouragement she received when she was eight years old. We are so thankful for her knowledge, as always! Everyone Has A Story Some years ago, I was so moved […]
Today’s blog is written by the lovely Scarlett Wells. A wine enthusiast, Scarlett shares her knowledge of Champagne and its health properties. Cheers, darlings! Champagne Is Known As Sparkling Wine Champagne is widely known as a sparkling wine. It exhibits carbonated properties, which results in a bubbly texture when served. Sparkling wines are most […]
This week’s style and beauty advice is written by MOXIE! member and lifestyle blogger, Nena Ivon. Nena shares her thoughts on the “age issue” in fashion and classic looks at any price point. Enjoy her style wisdom, my darlings. Sleek, Sophisticated & Stylish Not Dated, Frumpy & Dumpy When I thought about writing an article […]