
The Modern Grandmother: A Fusion of Strength, Style, and Spirit

As I reflect on my journey as a grandmother, I’m struck by how different the role of a modern grandmother is compared to the days of my own grandmothers. Back then, grandmothers were often seen as the gentle nurturers, the keepers of family recipes, and the sources of endless kisses and comfort. They were the […]

Advice, Grandchildren, Relationships

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A Letter to a Grandchild From a Grandma: Loving From Afar

When I look at my life, I have few regrets. I have a wonderful life. What would I wish for right now if I could wish upon a star? I would wish to go back in time and spend more together time with my grands throughout the year and especially during all of the holidays. […]

Advice, Grandchildren, Relationships

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embrace change as a woman over 50

Teaching Through Stories – A Message of Friendship From The Olive Tree

Every child or young adult wants to have friends and be part of a tight-knit group. With our guiding principles, we should play a role in educating our grandchildren on the principles of friendship. This will help them choose the right friends and groups and avoid the fickle, fake, and poor role models. Teaching grandchildren […]


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holding hands in a garden showing the importance of caring for yourself when you are a caregiver and caretaker

The Caregiver’s Guide to Self-Care: Maintaining Balance and Well-being

Today’s story was written by Andrea Pflaumer, who usually offers us sage style advice for us women over 50. But today, she muses on a topic that I have become all too familiar with over the past year of my life — caregiving. I’ve recently shared the story of how I felt that my life […]

Advice, Passages After 50, Relationships, Self Care

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The Passionate Pursuit of Solitary Pleasure

Millions of women’s lives turn on a dime when illness strikes their spouse or partner. It is a heartbreaking and shattering experience, emotionally debilitating to watch one’s partner struggle. It’s a game-changer to suddenly have a new title—Florence Nightingale—and the time to put the medal to the pedal with all her love, intelligence, and time. […]

Advice, Passages After 50

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Many women over 50 do. I have found, the key to feeling relevant, important, and VISIBLE lies within you. I hope my free eBook will help you rediscover your purpose, and see the value that I so clearly see in you. 

as a woman, do you feel invisible?