
Honey and Shelly with Stories for my Grandchild book

How to Mother Yourself This Mother’s Day

Happy Mother’s Day. Today, I celebrate you because you spent years of your life holding your children close, stroking their heads, helping them solve their problems, tucking them into bed, and telling them that all would be well. You asked for nothing in return except their love and respect. You were unselfish in your devotion. […]

Advice, Mother's Day, Self Care

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Honey Good the Queen Bee

The Art of Bending With Empowerment

A woman who practices the art of bending with empowerment is a powerful force. She understands that positive bending leads to a charmed and richer lifestyle. This woman flows with the tide and positively bends with the wind. She is wise and flexible. To a point, she follows rules. She also makes her own. She is […]

Advice, Wellness

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Healthy Communication Strategies When Disagreements Arise Between Women

Day in and day out we negotiate. We even negotiate with ourselves. When you think about a woman’s life, negotiations of all types occur every single day. From a young age, we begin to learn the art of negotiation: the art of having discussions with the aim of reaching an amenable outcome. Unfortunately, mutually-beneficial agreements […]

Advice, Passages After 50, Relationships

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honey good writing a new book about estrangement and self care.

From Shock to Acceptance: Healing From Estrangement

Big News! I am releasing a brand new e-book in March. The subject matter is Estranged Adult Children. Healing from estrangement is possible. My new e-book takes a good mother from shock to acceptance and shows her how to pick up the pieces of her life and thrive.    While writing this e-book, I reflected on […]

Advice, Passages After 50, Relationships

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Honey with computer showing why she isn't feeling lonely

Finding Strength After 50: Exploring Challenges and Building Community

Several online websites and social media channels on lifestyle appeal to women after 50 in beauty, fashion, entertainment, food, and travel. I frequent some of these sites. As a woman over 50, I have earned my Ph.D. So, I decided to discuss topics outside the limelight. My site,, and my three private FaceBook groups […]

Advice, Grief & Widowhood, Passages After 50, Relationships

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Many women over 50 do. I have found, the key to feeling relevant, important, and VISIBLE lies within you. I hope my free eBook will help you rediscover your purpose, and see the value that I so clearly see in you. 

as a woman, do you feel invisible?