When life gives us lemons, we just have to make ourselves some sweet lemonade. Here you’ll find our musings, pearls of wisdom, and personal stories to guide you through life’s passages. Explore how to embrace your beauty with style, discover new adventures, navigate the nuances of relationships, pull back the curtain to deal with life changes, and resonate with the reflections of other women.
I love the month of May, defining it as the ‘month of rebirth’ because I notice the flowers bursting out in color, the grass turning a vibrant green, and the limbs of the trees disappearing as new fresh leaves burst out in bloom. It is also nice to see the hired window dresser changing the […]
Have you fallen into a style rut? Do you no longer feel confident about how you look or how you present yourself to the world? Let’s change that right now. Here are six tips for embracing your gorgeous after 50 style and, most importantly, reclaiming your confidence as a visible, vibrant woman after 50. Reclaiming Your […]
I hope you know that I write to you openly and from my heart. Aging is humbling for everyone. We have to work hard at embracing aging gracefully. Today, I am sharing my perception of how we can embrace our age with aplomb, self- confidence and assurance. These are my five essential tools to age […]
Happiness and grace are all around us. Sometimes we just need that extra push to keep seeking them, especially after 50, which is why today I am re-sharing my thoughts on moving through the world and remaining visible. No matter your joie de vivre, darlings, go where the love is and keep your heart open […]
Most days I am charged up to write. I feel the buzz. Yet, like everything else in life, there are days when I have difficulties. It’s is okay because I know I will figure it out. I am positive. I compare myself to the little engine who could. I always tell myself when I […]