When life gives us lemons, we just have to make ourselves some sweet lemonade. Here you’ll find our musings, pearls of wisdom, and personal stories to guide you through life’s passages. Explore how to embrace your beauty with style, discover new adventures, navigate the nuances of relationships, pull back the curtain to deal with life changes, and resonate with the reflections of other women. 

The Magazine

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It’s  International Women’s Day… but what, exactly, does that mean? International Women’s Day celebrates the social, economic, cultural and political achievement of women. This year’s theme is #PressforProgress and it’s an idea that calls upon all women to help make the world more gender inclusive. Few of you know — because I do not discuss it here […]

Lessons It Is Never Too Late To Learn on International Women’s Day


International Women's Day

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  It was December 1, around 7:30 in the morning. I spritzed myself with perfume, put on my lipstick, jumped into my warm clothes, put on a wool cap tilting it a little to the side to create my style because it makes me feel good, threw on my coat, and wrapped a scarf around […]

Nikko Japan, 1984: My Fortune


Nikko Japan

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  It’s been another busy week, darlings! Not only can I smell spring in the air, but I can feel that long-awaited sense of renewal starting to come alive as the seasons change, slowly but surely. This heightened sense of a fresh start was brought to life through the stories shared this week on www.honeygood.com. […]

The Buzz: A Fresh Start on the Horizon


Fresh Start

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I love to look at my Mac. I love her sleek look and her window that opens up the world. I love to use her keyboard that allows me to rattle off emails and write my musings to all of you, dear readers. BUT, there is another side to my Mac. It is called the […]

The Secret to Mastering Technology After 50


Mastering Technology After 50

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Our soft-coated Wheaton Terrier, Orchid Good, met her trainer, Don Sullivan when she was two months old. She is now eleven and had the surprise of her life last week when she was reunited for the first time in eleven years with her trainer, better known as Don the DogFather. This is a story of […]

Finding Hope in Hopeless Situations


finding hope

Many women over 50 do. I have found, the key to feeling relevant, important, and VISIBLE lies within you. I hope my free eBook will help you rediscover your purpose, and see the value that I so clearly see in you. 

as a woman, do you feel invisible?