Do you want to learn how to become a successful shopper? Then read on, darling!
Last night my Ultimate Concierge and I, along with friends, had dinner at an outdoor Italian neighborhood restaurant. I would say there were approximately forty other people dining. A stranger, a woman, stopped at our table and commented on my style. “I love your hair,” she said, and then went on to tell me she was from L.A. and in the city because her mother was ill. She then asked, “Would you mind sharing the name of the shop and your hairstylist?” My reply, “I would be glad to help you.” I told her to call Salon Duo, ask for Collette, and use my name. Before she left we exchanged cell phone numbers.
Shopping Successfully Is Not Easy
If you think about it you shop all day! You shop the news channels and shop articles to read that interest you online and in print. You shop for a travel agent and trips, gifts for your children, grandchildren, and friends. You shop for the ‘best’ doctors, beauty products, food, flowers, and gardening supplies! And, you ‘shop’ Netflix movies, documentaries, and TV show choices. You are like Amazon! It carries a million products and you carry a million thoughts of your needs.
Therefore, knowing the secrets of a successful shopper saves you time and mistakes and makes your shopping far more enjoyable.
The Secrets of a Successful Shopper
There are several secrets to successful shopping. The most important secret is to use your wisdom to make well-thought-out choices.
The woman at the restaurant knew one of the most important secrets of the successful shopper. She would not let fear stand in the way of walking up to a stranger of her choice and ask her for advice. She had a mission and felt by choosing me she would benefit.
This woman was savvy. She did not burst onto the scene and she did her homework. The woman looked around the group of diners. She settled on me because she admired my look. She began the conversation with a compliment…she loved my hair. Then there was the usual small talk. After a short time, her instincts told her I would share information. She was right. By the time we parted, we had formed a casual relationship and were happy with the outcome. Remember people are flattered when you ask them for advice and most enjoy sharing their resources and tips.
Asking Friends For Advice
I ask friends for advice. In the past few weeks, I asked one friend with problem feet if she knew of a great shoemaker. Then, I made the decision to ask her because I admire the way she thinks.
I asked another friend who had cataract surgery who she chose as the surgeon. Darling, I choose her because I know she does her homework. She is a researcher.
I asked another friend if she had any new recipes. She is a wonderful cook. This was in one week. And, if I had kept a list I am sure I asked other questions from other people, including strangers!
My goal is to try and seek out the best resource for guidance whether I am in the produce department in the market or in a new boutique.
The Secrets of a Successful Shopper Begins In Her Closet
The first item on a woman’s list before she goes shopping is to edit her wardrobe. This is a major project because it is a combination of emotional and practical decisions. If you have a stylist, and nowadays this is common practice and no longer considered a luxury but a need, she or he will help you combine separates. They will help you toss items and in the long run save you money and stress. These people are trained and if you chose the right person, they will give you confidence.
I have never used a stylist to help me edit my wardrobe because I have not met the right person. Recently, I met someone I would consider but she has been ill. It is in the back of my mind to discuss this project with her because she ‘gets me.’ She is my go-to person in a large store and she has a beautiful inner and outer style.
Enter the Salesperson, Your Most Important Find
Remember the movie The Devil Wears Prada where Meryl Streep (Miranda) offers up a fabulous performance playing an impeccably dressed but not overly kind fashion editor and the cute Anne Hathaway (Andy) plays a just out of college journalist who ends up working as her assistant?
One of the best tell-all scenes in the film is how to be a successful shopper. It goes like this:
Miranda: “You have no style or sense of style?”
Andy: “I think that depends on–”
Miranda: “That was not a question.”
As the movie progresses, Andy comes to respect not only the importance of great style and finding your own, but she also comes to appreciate the value of getting guidance from those in the know.
Expert Experience Is Needed
No man is an island, and no stylish woman can maintain a budget and impeccable taste without expert experience.
Trust me, you don’t need a fashion editor in your back pocket to stay current and on-trend. A great salesperson holds the key to style nirvana and oftentimes to special offers, discounts, a phone call that a 40% off sale started and she put aside a jacket you were dying for but the price was too high on hold for you. It could mean a call that a new shipment of 40 boxes just came in and a, “Take that off. It looks horrible!”
I consider myself an astute shopper and one of the reasons why is that I began my shopping by being a ‘good picker’ of the right salesperson to guide me. And that my darling, is your most important secret find.
Have The Secret Tools To Think Smart
Here is my advice to women of all ages:
1. Consider a professional salesperson an investment.
2. Converse with her and shop with her before you solicit her advice to make sure you are on the same page.
3. Notice if she is enthusiastic, loves her line of work, is precise, and has a good eye for detail.
4. She should engage you in conversation about your favorite colors, fabrics, lifestyle, and more.
5. You must feel she is honest with her advice and considers your look over her pocketbook.
6. She is a good finisher. Accessories are just as important as your new clothing and accessories are the frosting on the cake.
7. Don’t forget to notice her style!
The shop you choose to shop in does not matter. There is that perfect salesperson in every type of shop from a Walgreens to the finest boutique that will know the brand(s) that are right for you.
Your job and the real secret of a successful shopper is to have the wisdom and skill in finding the right person for you.
Are you a successful shopper? Please let me know all of your tips, tricks, and questions in the comments at the bottom of this page. I would love to hear your thoughts!
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Hi Honey
As a past Estée Lauder executive and stylist , I learned early in my career that Lipstick is a must, however the right color is most important. I believe everyone can wear every color as long as it’s in the right undertone. I remember I was working with a new beauty advisor and a lady walked in with a yellow undertone red blouse. She was looking for a new lipstick. After 6 tries and sore lips I stepped in. I said let’s give it one more try. I pulled my favorite red with a blue undertone, the customer and I had similar coloring. We applied it and I draped a scarf around her neck to cover her blouse. She loved it until we took off the scarf. I explained to both of them the theory of color. Blue undertone red perked up her complexion and the yellow gave her a sallow look. She purchased the lipstick and came back to the counter with 6 different blouses. I finally went to the dressing room with her and we found her style. I explained to my customer that it’s very important to know your personal style (classic, sporty, diva, glitzy) etc., then I explained color again, we decided V necks were the most flattering and 3/4 or long. I told her to get a goodwill bag and every time she puts something on and takes it right back off to throw it in the goodwill bag. If it’s spotted or pilled or very old toss it. I taught her the 80/20 rule, we wear 20% of the 80% in our closet if we don’t keep them weeded out. Don’t wear clothes to big or too small. Wear clothes that fit, cut the size out if it bothers you or ask your sales associate to before you leave the store. Don’t buy it if you don’t love it, don’t shop the week before an event. Find a great tailor, shoe repair shop. It’s better to have a few great pieces that are more expensive than to have a closet full of poor quality clothing. Don’t buy clothes because they are the last fashion or your friend just got, especially if it’s not your style. Always spend more on your handbag and shoes. Expensive shoes and handbags, belts will make your entire outfit look more expensive. The icing on the cake is good skin care and makeup. Treat yourself quarterly with a makeover with new colors for the season that will update your look. I wear red lipstick every day unless I wear pink. It’s my signature color. Find your signature color that blends or gives you the wow factor to your wardrobe.
My passion is color and makeup due to my 30 years with Estée Lauder. Most days even if I’m walking I have my red lipstick on and my walking girlfriends are your always so dressed up to walk. All I have on is sunscreen and red lipstick!
I read every word. You are a grand professional + because you are very savvy. Some people can talk the talk but can’t walk the walk. You are both. Thank you very much for sharing your skills and great advice. You are also understand of your customer. You make them feel special because, you care. And you are a good writer. Would you enjoy writing for HG on color, etc.? If you would write to me at and I will give you my editor’s info. Warmly, Honey