Passages After 50

Weekend Musings: Olympic Gold, Arm Workout & Much More!

It’s officially the last week of July, and we will go into August with smiles on our faces and I’m sure our air conditioners will be at full blast! This week we had a full moon and of course, the start to the 2020 Tokyo Olympics which were postponed last year because of COVID-19. Though […]

Passages After 50

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Weekend Musings: A Big Thank You, Royal Fashion & Much More!

I started this week with a lovely surprise! Almost 200 of you participated in our Honey Good survey. I just adored reading all of your answers and what you love, plus, what you would like to see more of on Honey Good. A lot of you said you’d like to see more health and wellness […]

Passages After 50

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My Father Spoke No Evil, Heard No Evil, Saw No Evil

On Father’s Day and other special holidays and occasions, you turn inward and think of singular rites of passage; the secret memories you rarely speak of. Speaking for myself, the feelings on these types of holidays trigger specific memories of the heart. Secret memories are not restricted by the passage of time because they are […]

Passages After 50, Relationships

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How I Survived Cancer

The Most Commonly Asked Questions About CBD

CBD is often a popular topic these days, especially among mature people looking for chronic pain relief. As well, CBD and THC products have become popular in many regions in the United States. Though the former lack psychoactive effects, the research shows that it can be useful when dealing with a number of health issues. […]

Passages After 50, Relationships

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Falling In Love With Your Body – The POWER of POSITIVITY!

Why It’s Hard to Fall In Love With Our Bodies There is a cultural ‘message’ out there in our so-called western civilized world. I am being kind when I write, cultural message. I meant to say, cultural pressure. Thin is in. You must be slim to be attractive is the preference of the day. It’s […]

Passages After 50, Relationships

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Many women over 50 do. I have found, the key to feeling relevant, important, and VISIBLE lies within you. I hope my free eBook will help you rediscover your purpose, and see the value that I so clearly see in you. 

as a woman, do you feel invisible?