Top 8 Ways To Look As Young and Confident As You Feel
Everyone that’s approaching midlife has one common goal–they want to appear much younger! Although you have little control over how you age, there are certain things you can do that will give you a much more youthful appearance. Here are eight things you can do–and some you should avoid–that will have you looking as young and confident as you feel.
Get Subtle Highlights
Growing older doesn’t mean you have to change your entire hair color at the first hint of gray. Many women feel they need to go blonde when grays start taking over, but that’s simply untrue. Blonde hair doesn’t look good on everyone and if you love your dark tresses, just add natural-looking highlights. Subtle stands of light color can be blended with your grays to make them less noticeable. Plus, you’ll have a sun-kissed look that’s attractive on anyone. Highlights give your hair dimension and movement making you look much younger.
Lengthen Your Lashes
Just like a head of full-flowing hair makes you look vibrant, so do thick eyelashes. The allure of mysterious, full eyelashes has been sought after by women since the beginning of time. If you haven’t been successful in achieving the lash look you desire, now is the time to find out about lash extensions. By treating yourself to life-changing lash services, your eyes will sparkle and you’ll be captivated every time you see your reflection in a mirror.
Stop Tanning
Going to the tanning booth isn’t just unhealthy, it’s also incredibly aging. It’s understandable to want healthy-looking color, but exposing yourself to ultraviolet rays is just asking for skin cancer. Tanning destroys the elasticity of your skin and long after the color fades, you’re left with permanently damaged and wrinkled skin. Instead of tanning, try using a powdered bronzer for a pretty glow and wash it off at the end of the day. Use sunblock when you go outside to keep your skin supple and healthy.
Dress Age-Appropriate
Nothing shows the world you’re terrified of getting older more than trying to dress like a teenager when you’re not. Just because you can fit into junior-sized clothing doesn’t mean that you should. Belly bearing and skimpy clothing, combined with high school-aged accessories, make you look like you’re trying way too hard. Next time you go shopping, look for classy and stylish clothing that’s appropriate for your age and body type. When you choose fashion that’s flattering, you automatically look younger.
Avoid Dark Makeup
Today’s selection of makeup offers every color of the rainbow for every taste and look. When you’re aiming to look younger, avoid dark colors and opt for light and neutral tones. Stick with brown and beige eyeshadows, subdued blush shades, and nude or pink lipsticks. Doing up any part of your face in dark colors looks harsh and will even make your lips look thinner. Try to avoid matte foundation as well, since it looks drying and go for a light, moisturizing formula instead.
Wear Clothes That Fit
Everyone loves wearing a comfy pair of sweats at home, but that’s where they need to stay. Venturing out in baggy-looking clothes gives the impression you couldn’t be bothered. Oversized duds like chunky sweaters and turtlenecks can also make you look thick and shapeless. Instead, choose clothing that fits you well and flatters your unique shape. Everyone has a good quality to flaunt. Even if you’re just making an ice-cream run, make yourself look nice–you never know who you might run into!
Stay Hydrated
Hydration and staying moisturized can be your best friends as you age. You can spend tons of money on expensive creams, but in reality, a drugstore cream can do exactly the same thing. What really makes a difference is drinking enough water every day. Water is good for your skin, hair, and overall health, nourishing you from the inside out. Snack on hydrating foods such as grapes, cucumbers, watermelon, and bell peppers. They’ll help you meet your daily water quota and make you look radiant.
Be Positive
There is one quality that will always make you appear younger and that’s keeping a positive outlook on life. A person that’s optimistic can make a huge difference to someone that’s having a bad day and people will gravitate towards you. Exuding positive vibes, and a smile to boot, creates a natural feeling of happiness inside and it will make you totally timeless.
Live Life to the Fullest
As they say, age is just a number, but when that number starts creeping skyward, it’s normal to want to remain youthful. By making a few tweaks to your hair, lashes, makeup, and overall attitude towards life, you’ll feel wonderful about yourself and the way you look. Then, go out and show the world that you’re not worried about your age because you’re too busy living life to the fullest.
What beauty secrets do you have to share? Let us know in the comments at the bottom of this page.

Paisley Hansen is a freelance writer and expert in health, fitness, beauty, and fashion. As well, when she isn’t writing she can usually be found reading a good book or hitting the gym.
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