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How to Write a Romantic Letter for Sharing Feelings With Your Spouse

How to Write a Romantic Letter to Your Spouse

Sometimes, expressing feelings is quite challenging, and after several years of marriage, it becomes even more difficult. If you are familiar with this, then there is a good tool to not only express your feelings but also revive your love. When was the last time you wrote a love letter? Most likely, it was a long time ago.

If you feel that romance is gone in your relationship, then a heartwarming letter can rekindle your feelings. If you do not know how to do this, then below you will find the top 7 tips on romantic letter writing to remind your spouse of your love.

Top 7 Tips to Create a Love Letter

If you think that a love letter requires a reason, then, in fact, your love is already quite a reason to do it. Therefore, cast aside all doubts about whether to write such a letter or not. It’s a great way to revive your love so let’s get started.

1. Be Sincere

The first thing you should start with is being honest with yourself. At times, many people are scared to admit their feelings to themselves, and when you have been living with your spouse for more than 15 years, it can be very difficult to express your feelings. Reflect on how you feel about your relations with your partner. If at this stage there are too many overwhelming points, then remember the beginning of your love story.

Feelings during the dawn of a relationship are always like in romantic films. Feel nostalgic and you can find many more reasons why you love your partner. Write down all your feelings and the so-called reasons for your love. Then it will be easier for you to start your letter.

2. Remember Sweet Moments

To improve your relationship with the help of a love letter, you need to not only describe your feelings but also cause the same feelings in your spouse. How to do it? In the previous point, there was a recommendation to remember the feeling at the beginning of your relationship. Surely, at this stage, you have a lot of memories, and your soul felt warm. For your spouse to feel the same, remember the pleasant moments in your letter. Here are some ideas you can mention in your letter:

  • First meeting.
  • Your first date.
  • First kiss.
  • Wedding day.
  • The birth of your kids.

When you have chosen a suitable topic, try to remember every little detail. Mentioning pleasant moments from your life will allow your spouse to feel nostalgic and re-experience those feelings of youth.

3. Write Down the Reasons Why You Love

Returning to the past will allow you to remember your feelings anew, and you will just make up the reasons for which you love your spouse so much. Surely, you shouldn’t write something like a list of reasons for your love. Just remember the moments that hit your heart on the spot. Maybe it’s a great sense of humor or a serenade under your window in the middle of the night.

Remember those moments for which you are very grateful. Your spouse will be pleased to feel a sense of importance in your life. So think about what such moments you can describe in your letter. This will again warm up your partner’s feelings and give a new twist to your relationship.

4. Note Plans for The Future

No matter how many years you’ve spent together, your love letter should mention some plans for the future. If you want to finally touch your partner, then you simply cannot do without this paragraph in the letter. You can write about plans for the future, or you can use one more interesting approach that can improve your relationship.

Most likely, your spouse had some ideas or plans that you did not support. For example, your spouse offered to go to the lake, but for some reason you didn’t want to, which upset your spouse very much. So, write in a letter that you want to go to this lake. This approach will allow you to improve your relationship and show your spouse that you are ready to support ideas and compromise.

5. Start Writing a Letter

Now you have a full arsenal of so-called facts that you can use for your writing. Start with a rough draft and use the notes you prepared earlier. Write as you feel, since this is not an academic essay that requires certain rules.

If you find it difficult to start writing, then you can seek professional help. For example, at the Best Writers Online, you can find customized reviews about writing services to find a good writer at an affordable price. You will provide your notes, describe the essence and soon you will receive a ready letter that will change your marriage for the better.

6. Proofread Your Letter

Proofreading your letter is as important as its writing. Read your letter several times to make sure there are no mistakes or you haven’t missed out on something important in your text.

Of course, a couple of mistakes will not spoil the relationship with your spouse, but it will be great if everything is perfect with your letter. Doing this way, you will be able to make the right impression, help your spouse feel the same way you do, and in a good way shake up your marriage.

P.S. If you are writing a letter in electronic format, then you can check your text using modern free tools. This is especially true for those who are perfectionists. You can use Grammarly or Hemmingway apps for these purposes.

7. Think About the Ways to Serve a Letter

When your letter is ready, then you should think about the ways to deliver it. If you are embarrassed to hand it over personally, then it would be quite romantic to leave it for your spouse to find it.

For instance, you can leave a letter on the pillow of your soulmate or leave it on your desktop. Think about where you can leave the letter based on the personality of your partner.

Also, don’t forget to sign the letter and use the envelope. Any romantic attributes will not be superfluous here, regardless of how old you are and how long you have been married.

The Final Notes

A love letter is a good tool to demonstrate your feelings and even improve your relationship with your spouse. It is also a great tool to make your soulmate remember the best moments in your relationship, feel nostalgia, and reboot feelings.

Don’t forget that a love letter doesn’t require any reason. If you love a person, then you do not need to wait for a moment to tell him/her about your love one more time.

Have you ever written a love letter to your spouse? If so, let us know how it went in the comments at the bottom of this page. 


Tiffany Porter has been working as a Chief Writer at Online Writers Rating reviewing a variety of writing services websites. She is a professional writing expert on such topics as digital marketing, blogging, design.  She also likes traveling and speaks German and French.




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