I know how to find joy, do you?
It is Sunday morning, and I am finally getting the wings back in my sail, so to speak. Last week I had an epiphany, a sudden revelation that one of my thoughts needed put into action. Either this or I won’t find the ultimate joy I seek in 2025.
I have been wrestling with change. I want something new in my life. Truth be told, I have been grappling with these thoughts for a long time. About four months ago, I thought I found the answer. And I did in many ways, but not in enough ways to reach my goal of finding joy in 2025.
I know that time is a friend and not an enemy. Time allows you to struggle with your thoughts, make mistakes, and rejuvenate when you have a good plan. And then, the hard stuff begins… live into your answer. We all have to ignite our engines to reach the goal line. We all know what that feels like… it is joy.
Change is hard. It requires you to take the stairs instead of the elevator.
A New Year. A New Beginning. It is emotionally refreshing to visualize a clean slate. The beginning of the New Year is a time to reflect on experiences in 2022 that jolted you to sit back, take pause and think. And, then actually darling, act!
We all had a mix of experiences last year; some hapless, unlucky, challenging, some awesome, all eye-opening. I sure did. Personally, I weathered my storms with my performance and not so well emotionally. 2024 took its toll but being positive about life, I am gearing myself up to enjoy my life in 2023 after 50.
All occurrences reveal ah-ha revelations. It is uplifting when you are able to shift thoughts and visualize your burden disappearing. You notice how good you feel. Unfortunate but true —this is often hard to do because positive realizations require a change in habits and thoughts. Both are very challenging.
Change is hard. It requires you to take the stairs instead of the elevator. It necessitates thinking outside your old comfort zone. In other words, It takes work. When you meet a call to action head-on and are rewarded by the results you will add more joy into your life in 2025!
This message is for all women, women over the age of 50 and women in their 20s, 30s, and 40s. Because the sooner you realize this you will add more joy in your life.

Reflect on what brings joy in 2023
You know the feeling of carrying emotional baggage. Its weight weighs heavy on your shoulders. Unless you have the ability to take the mettle to the peddle with an ah-ha thought and lighten your load. This takes walking up flights of stairs instead of riding the elevator! But visualize the joy you will bring into your life in 2023 when you rid yourself of the burden of heavy baggage.
Too much baggage can be related to toxic people, material possessions, or poor health habits. Perhaps fear of the unknown, feeling invisible at every age, loneliness after 50. It could be lethargy, family intrigues, retirement, or unhappiness in the workplace. Or above all, unhappiness within yourself.
Maybe you need a new beauty routine? Maybe you need a new workout schedule? Perhaps you need a new hobby or a move or new challenges in your job? Maybe you should join a group where your peers have the same interests you have.
Make a list of your needs (the easy part) and then take action (the hard part.)
I would like you to see your emotional baggage as I do, as a gift. Why? Because your baggage makes you feel your discomfort and the discomfort is telling you to make a change. Like you, some of the baggage I bring on myself while other baggage are problems forced upon me. It matters not. What matters to me is the outcome.
Yes, darling, even while I am going through an unhappy experience I am also trying to figure out how to awaken my resolve. To either change myself or change my circumstances. I take a deep breath in, release it slowly and sigh as I climb the stairs, only thinking of new and positive awakenings.
In 2023 follow me up the stairs with the same positivity and momentum. Focus on what inspires you and with a clear focus meet your baggage head on
- Meet your goals with action
- Sweep your slate clean.
- Listen to your Ah-Ha thoughts
- Let go of fear.
- Stop doing what you do not enjoy
- Delete relationships that produce tears instead of kisses
- Take a stand. Be righteous. Honor your code.
- Say to yourself, “My goal is to live a charmed life in 2025″.
In other words, darling, tidy up your home, your family, your lifestyle, and yourself to find joy in 2023.
Please take the time to write in your journal what brought you joy in 2022. I did. Read more about my journaling process here.
In 2022 I found ultimate joy in tending to my daily responsibilities. Like yours, they are endless. Looking back on 2022 I am very proud of how I took on my roles as a wife and mother. As daughter to my mother who passed away September 16, 2022. Also as mistress of our home, mother-in-law, grandmother, and mom to our pooch America. As a confidant to our large family and my friends.
My responsibilities were met successfully because they were coupled with love, time, strategy, and management. All of this allows me to enjoy the ride in 2022.
I even enjoyed the time it took to talk to my plants, stroke their leaves and water them.
In other words in 2022 I spent hours of my time giving back and my reward produced inner joy.
Please take the time to write in your journal how you intend to find joy in 2023
“In 2023, I will continue to find purpose in my daily responsibilities. I will continue to respect ‘my voice and be true to myself.”
“My new challenge in 2023 is to expand Honeygood.com. Lots of stair climbing. I feel an adrenaline rush. This is joy!”
How often have you not followed your inner voice, your heart? How often have you wished you had? In the year 2022, my personal goal was to, once and for all, listen and trust my inner voice, my heart. I was much better at accomplishing this in 2022 than in 2021 and in 2023, my goal is to hit a home run.
Often times it is easier to drop the ball than follow your intuitions. The problem with not listening to your inner voice, your heart, is that you will make a wrong judgment call or do nothing. The better you become at listening, the better your heart will tick in a calm rhythm.
Your heart is your inner messenger, your barometer. It is an extension of you, it holds your feelings, it knows! Listen to it and make certain to take action. Whenever I swayed away from listening to my heart’s message or taking action, I was often unhappy with the outcome.
In 2023 I will do my best to hit a home run. I will listen to my heart’s message. I will take action and get results.
The objective in 2023 is to create desired results. Results = Joy. This necessitates taking the time to understand what makes you feel uncomfortable. And then the willpower to make adjustments. This is how you make change. This takes climbing the stairs. It is not easy, but from my experience, the emotional reward is extraordinary.
Once again, Happy New Year by finding your joy in 2025.
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Wishing you love, joy, peace, and fulfillment in this wonderful new year, dear Honey.
Dear Marlene, Wishing you back the same lovely words you wished me. Joy to you and yours in 2023. Warmly, Honey
Thank you for your honesty and inspiration Honey.
You are so welcome. I am very grateful to have you with me. Warmly, Honey
Thanks for the encouraging words!
You are more than welcome. I makes me happy to know my words were encouraging to you. Warmly, Honey
Very inspiring. Thank you
You are welcome. I am glad my words inspired you. Happy New Year. Warmly, Honey
2022 Was a year of struggling with the idea of simplifying my surroundings. As an artist, painter and crafter my surroundings are alive with so many tools of the trade and acquired supplies. Once again I am diving into an organizational fight with the love of inanimate objects. Your encouragement again spurs me on with new vigor. Keep challenging us and as a woman of 81 I never want to surrender to my age, it is not defining.
Your life is robust and in your case your age is just a number.I love your words: “my surroundings are alive with so many tools…” My advise: “let it be…Let it be. Happy New Year. Warmly, Honey