I'm Honey!

As a woman who has lived through many passages and learned through my larger than life experiences (positive and negative), I’ve discovered how to take a big empowering bite out of life.

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Healthy Lifestyle: 3 Keys to a Longer Life

Healthy Lifestyle: 3 Keys to a Longer Life

Healthy Lifestyle: 3 Keys to a Longer Life

We aren’t immortal—but there are certainly ways in which we are able to help promote a longer-lasting, more fulfilling life. Aging gracefully takes a bit of mindfulness and commitment, but the outcome can vastly improve your quality of life for years to come. I’ve highlighted a few key ways to live a longer, more beautiful life as an empowered woman.

Healthy Technology Use

While we may not have grown up with many of the technologies that we use on a daily basis now, it can be difficult to picture what our lives would look like without them. From streaming movies online to interacting with friends on smartphones and social media, there is a whole new world of technology for us to explore in the later years of our lives.

Although there are many exciting benefits to these new types of digital devices, too much screen time can actually have some serious drawbacks on our health. The blue light emitted from digital devices can damage our eyes and skin, causing harm to the retina over time and weakens the skin. Having a reliable pair of blue-light glasses can help shield the eyes from these rays and is especially important before bedtime as blue light disrupts the body’s natural sleep cycle. As vision problems tend to worsen with age, instilling small habits like this into our technology use can have a lasting impact.

Setting intentions about screen time use and realistic limits not only has physical benefits but also leaves more time to focus on other hobbies or passions. Especially with extra time at home due to social distancing, it can be easy to fall into excessive digital device patterns. Take some time to reflect on other activities that might be more mentally stimulating—but remember that everyone needs some tv time too.

Maintain a Positive Mindset

You’ve probably heard the saying that laughing makes you live longer. But did you know that there is actually some truth behind the statement? In fact, a study from Norway found that women were at a 48% lesser risk of death from all causes when they had high scores on humor’s cognitive component.

Although this doesn’t mean we need to laugh at everything we hear, it does offer some perspective on how our mental health plays a factor in graceful aging. Maintaining a positive mindset as we age will look different for each of us, but finding healthy coping mechanisms when problems arise can help us better stand up to challenges or problems that arise in our lives.

Similarly, surrounding ourselves with people, places, and things that bring us happiness also plays a role in remaining positive. Having a support base to encourage our goals, whether they are personal, physical, or career-focused is also a great source of motivation. A great place to start living more positively is to practice gratitude daily. Reflecting on what we appreciate in our everyday lives can help put things into perspective.

Cut the Bad Habits

We all have our own vices, and as we age it can sometimes feel that we are stuck in our old ways or behaviors. But cutting out negative habits is something that we can (and should) do at any age.

It’s easy to identify some bad habits, like smoking or lack of exercise, and the way to fight those kinds of behaviors is typically easier to identify. But what about the negative habits we don’t even realize we are doing?

Many women may find themselves putting others’ needs as a priority before themselves. While giving back to others is an admirable quality and importance in relationships, we must remember that our own needs and wants are just as significant.

It may feel selfish when we make ourselves a top priority, but ultimately investing in ourselves can help us to be a better version and ultimately provide us with more energy to give to others in return. As many bad habits may be a result of pushing off our own needs or coping mechanisms from spreading ourselves too thin, take a deeper look into anything that may be hindering your potential.

We all strive to live longer lives. Doing so both beautifully and in health can make the years more worthwhile. Consider these components as you continue to age and you might be surprised with the extra level of fulfillment it can bring.

What do you do to achieve a better and healthier lifestyle? Let us know in the comments below. 

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July 18, 2021

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