Be Fierce, Adaptable and Committed in Elsewhere
It has been almost a year that the world population has been living under the threat of the COVID-19. Living in social isolation and in Elsewhere (what I call America these days) seems to be becoming the norm. There are many who fear the world is on the fringe of going mad and many who do not. Many around the glove feel they are being controlled by ‘the few’ using the tactic of fear and isolation. Again, many do not. But I do believe all of us are trudging through each day instead of skipping. We want to believe that all will soon be well. After all, we are blessed to live in the United States of America, the greatest country in the world.
Unfortunately, reality sinks in and we realize that our lives are muddled. There is a chaotic feel in the air; nothing seems in place and normal. Those of us who are realists know the country we love and admire may be in the midst of a change from what made her the greatest and most highly admired country in the world. She is upside down instead of lucid and clear-minded. And, she is not acting like herself. She no longer wears the crown of the United States of America. And, she is acting like the Divided States of America. For the time being, she has become, Elsewhere.
I, like many other citizens, are heavy-hearted instead of carefree because the roof over our heads, America, is feeling pain. And, to make matters worse, this is the month of December, the month of love, giving, and sharing. Yet, we are isolated.
Women are Wisdom
A woman is wise with or without a degree behind her name. She comes by it naturally with her intuitive nature. She can smell trouble a mile away. And, she has a survivalist instinct because she is the protector of her family. She can only be fooled if she lacks clarity, curiosity, and adaptability. And, she must especially at this time in Elsewhere sharpen her focus on the realities of the time by furthering her scope of knowledge by doing her due diligence for herself and her family. This is a purposeful goal for 2021.
I Will Adapt in 2021
First and foremost, I will continue to develop my adaptability and learn to better manage my expectations. I am a cockeyed optimist by degree and I like it just fine. But, I must also be a realist and shift if I must. Being an optimist is a given, I will be alright with whatever I am forced to face. Therefore, I am trying to develop positive strategies to combat life in any unpredictable setting so I have control. I do understand that for the time I am going to have to shift away from my normal way of thinking and that means… I will have to do some adapting from the normal lifestyle that used to give me joy.
As I mentioned previously, I am taking Yoga. I am now with a physical therapist twice a week for strength training, balance, and posture. And, I have a new goal for 2021 that I am beginning to work on.
For years I have written about the importance of training yourself to be adaptable to the situations thrown at you. Every one of us has or will be thrown curveballs. If you are adaptable you will survive and often times more intact than before you were confronted with your dilemma. You will inherit positive strength. I call it fierceness and a fierce woman is a marvelous tribute to yourself, darling.
I Will Be Fierce in 2021
Darling, I am a fierce woman about everything I do. And, whether you know it or not, so are you. If you have a garden and the deer ate your veggies, you are fierce in stopping that deer, aren’t you? You are fierce in protecting your family. And, you are fierce in your values. Get it? The word fierce is a great word to own. So own it!
Living in Elsewhere has opened my eyes, like never before, to how vulnerable I am in this place. I listen, I read and I speak to friends. What I hear today is very concerning…
Do I have to take the vaccine? Am I being forced to shut down my business? I can’t travel unless my passport reads I have had the vaccine? And I can’t go to church or my Synagogue? I may lose my job if I don’t take the vaccine because my employer can fire me when I resist? Must I self-isolate? My grandchildren cannot go to school or play on the playground? Do I have to make an appointment to go to a store? I have to stay 6-feet away from everyone I know or don’t know? My head is spinning because I feel I may be losing control over my freedoms. And I worry about my children and grandchildren.
We Must Be Prepared
I tell myself I have to be prepared for what might be next. Maybe our money? Or maybe our healthcare? I must be fierce in educating myself. I must be fierce in seeking sound advice. And, I must not get carried away. I must stay focused and grounded. What are the options I control? And how can I help my family?
Darling, so, do you. I do know this, I will fiercely do all I can to be aware and take action if necessary.
Darling, I Am Committed
I am committed to staying hopeful and committed to staying extremely close to my family. As well, I am committed to staying close to my friends. I am extremely committed to listening to those whose opinions I trust. And, I am thinking about health and how it will affect me as an ageless woman but one who has a birth certificate! Let’s put it this way… I am one hell of a committed woman to learning the facts.
You may not like what I have to say and I may have frightened you. But, one thing is for sure. I have opened your eyes to another point of view and if you are a curious woman, you will educate yourself too. And then, you will come to your own decision. That is fine with me. I feel I owe you authenticity. Sending love and friendship to you and your family, across the miles…
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Oh my! I loved your blog today. Yes, we must be fierce! At one time I worked with a Vietnamese Dr. Who escaped with his life as Vietnam fell. He made it to a German hospital ship and was rescued. From there he went to Germany and worked as a dr for I’m not sure how many years. He then came to U.S. where I met him. He told me his story one day when I heard him speaking German to a patient. He told me”adapt , innovate, overcome” is how he does life. He also told me ” with freedom comes great responsibility”. He is FIERCE and a great inspiration. Also one of the kindness and most committed people I know.
Thank you for sharing the Dr.’s words:adapt, innovate, overcome.So true. I also think the word fierce is such a positive word. Warmly, Honey
I always appreciate your blogs Honey. I too am a fierce woman. I was in the hospital for 16 days with Covid. It is not fun to be in isolation. But, I have recovered from the pneumonia, and am getting stronger everyday. I remember, the saying of years ago, “when life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” A nurse asked if I felt depressed, I said NO. I was not going to let the virus control me, there was too much life to experience. Here’s to living in Elsewhere.
You have really been tested and you survived. I am so happy for you and your family. I believe in the same saying.We have to make sweet lemonade out of our lemons. And, you did!!! Here’s to living in Elsewhere!!! Happy New Year!! Warmly, Honey
I agree with you thanks for posting this. If you come across any interesting information please let us know. Thanks Honey. I am still trying to process this election not easy. It’s hard to believe what President Trump has been through. I’m watching Bill O’Reilly now on the Internet. I feel like get honest information with him. Also I feel with him I’m listening to someone levelheaded. I could go on and on unbelievable. Anyway thanks again.
I am a fan of Bill O’Reilly’s too. It is hard to believe what America has gone through and what Americans may go through.Fingers crossed that Democracy will endures. Warmly, Honey
My dad was a Navy Seal. He didn’t use the word, fierce, but he always told his three daughters and our mom to be BRAVE, even when he lay near death. He didn’t want us to look sad or cry. He asked us to wear our red lipstick and smile. He left an amazing legacy, and we still draw on his strength in life’s daily struggles. We miss him very much! BE BRAVE!
Dads are so needed and special. You and I are lucky that our father’s left us an amazing legacy. My father taught me by his example to ‘take the high road.’ At times I have almost bitten off my tongue when I wanted to respond to someone, but instead, I see my father’s wisdom in his words. Thank you for sharing your story. Warmly, Honey