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As a woman who has lived through many passages and learned through my larger than life experiences (positive and negative), I’ve discovered how to take a big empowering bite out of life.

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The Best 5 Ways To Get Back On Your Feet And Overcome Foot Pain

This article was written for www.honeygood.com by DJ Crino. DJ talks to us about common foot pain problems and how we can solve them. Don’t let aching feet get in the way of your holiday plans! Take action today. 

Overcoming Foot Pain 

We’ve all been there: Rubbing our feet after a long day.

You just want to prop them up on a pillow and relax. Whether your aching feet are caused by walking or standing on hard surfaces for long periods; not getting the right pair of comfortable sneakers or shoes; excessive weight; arthritis; pregnancy, or a foot abnormality, such as flat feet or a high arch, there are ways to relieve the pain.

Soak Your Feet In a Foot Bath

Fill a large bowl or foot bath with warm water and soak your feet for five to 10 minutes.

Epsom salts can be added to help reduce inflammation and increase circulation, as well as other health benefits.

Swollen feet should be cared for with cool water, then elevated after the bath.

Do Foot Exercises

After a foot soak, when your muscles are relaxed, stretch your ankles and toes. Some easy exercises include:

  • Moving your ankles up, down and in a circle.
  • Rising up and down on your toes.
  • Rolling the bottom of your foot on a small round object.

Get a Massage

You can give yourself a foot massage or go to a spa and have a professional do it.

If you decide to take care of it yourself, apply lotion or oil (essential oils can elevate the experience) to your soles.

Rub it in with hands and use your thumb to knead sore spots. Focus on the spot between your heels and your toes. This area stretches when your feet touch the ground, absorbing the impact. If this spot is tight, it can cause pain in your heels.

Check Your Shoes

The best shoes for people with foot issues are ones that cradle the arch and have a thick sole.

Old shoes that are falling apart should be thrown away because worn out soles affect how much of your feet are impacted by the ground. You should also toss (or better yet, donate) shoes that are too tight or too loose.

Your best buy to find the right pair of shoes is to have your feet measured. You may be wearing the wrong size. 

Smooth Calluses

Hard, dry skin on the bottom of your feet not only looks unpleasant, but it can cause added pressure and friction on your skin.

Commonly known as corns and calluses, this dry skin can become painful and crack and bleed, causing an infection. To soften the skin, soak your feet in warm water and then use a pumice stone to remove any tough, dry spots. Apply lotion to the new skin and protect them by wearing soft socks.

Don’t Let The Pain Take Over 

If your aching feet persist, visit a podiatrist, who can diagnose specific foot problems, and even create custom orthotics for you. Remember that preexisting medical conditions, such as diabetes, and rheumatoid arthritis, can also cause foot pain. Speak with your physician if your pain does not improve.

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December 16, 2019

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