In today’s post, we’ll show you some out-of-the-box date ideas that you and your special someone will love.

As much as you love spending time with your partner/spouse/significant other, you may be in a date rut. You’ll love these date ideas for spicing it up.
Keeping The Spark Alive
Some couples do better than others at maintaining romantic intensity, even after having been together for years. According to scientists, novelty and excitement most likely play a role in this. In a set of experiments performed by psychologists at the State University of New York, couples were asked to perform a series of mundane, repetitive chores in a laboratory setting. The second group of couples was presented with more challenging exercises–for instance, they were asked to race across the room with their wrists and ankles bound together.
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The couples were then asked to describe their relationships and answer survey questions in order to determine their general level of satisfaction. Those who had just performed the more exciting, engaging challenges scored higher than the test group who had been assigned more mundane activities.
Conclusion? It seems that variety is indeed the spice of life.
If you’re tired of the same old happy hour specials and movie nights, why not try one of these fun activities with your significant other? At the very least, you’re guaranteed to end the date with some unique memories.
Plan a Cook-Off Challenge Date
Do you know the perfect guacamole recipe? Or perhaps your partner claims to make the best chili ever. Challenge each other to a cooking contest and invite a few friends over to act as judges. Whoever loses is in charge of doing the dishes!
Go to a Figure Drawing Workshop
Most art schools have open studio nights, during which participants spend anywhere between five minutes and an hour drawing live human models in different poses. Don’t worry if you’re not especially good at drawing; nobody is going to judge you. Most schools are more than happy to greet new, aspiring artists and will go out of their way to make drop-ins feel comfortable.
Go on a Kayaking Excursion
Get that adrenaline pumping! Rent a double kayak so that you can see how well you work as a team. You’ll both get to squeeze in a workout and you’ll have plenty of time to bond as you float downstream. One word of caution: paddling in harmony isn’t easy so don’t be surprised if your excursion brings on some unexpected challenges.
Play an Old Board Game…Or a New One
When was the last time you played Trivial Pursuit, Scrabble, or Risk? Chances are you have at least a few board games stashed away in a closet somewhere, collecting dust. If not, take a trip to your local hobby store. Board games are making a huge comeback. You’ll be amazed at the number of exciting new games that have hit the market in recent years
See a Fortune Teller For Your Date!
Lovers have always held a special place in tarot and divination. Whether you are believers or skeptics, a reading is bound to be fun. Try not to giggle as the psychic describes your future together or gasp as you’re foretold that your relationship is doomed. The best part is that you’ll have a lot to talk about afterward and you could luck into a genuine psychic who gives legitimately great advice for your future.
Go to an Art Gallery Opening
What makes art shows so much fun? The opportunity to discover new art, of course! But they’re great for people-watching too. See if you can spot the gallery owner, the featured artist, other artists, and potential buyers. Reward yourselves with some free wine and cheese for every type of patron that you correctly identify!
Crash a Festival
Most communities host festivals every summer and other outdoor activities at various times throughout the year. Find out when the next one will be held in your area and join in. Make sure you’re wearing matching costumes and accessories!
Organize Your Old Photos
This idea works best if you’ve kept a few shoeboxes full of old photos from when you were younger. Reminisce over the pre-digital days, when film rolls came in sets of 24 and you didn’t know how they’d turn out before getting them developed. Fill up an album or create a scrapbook of your fondest shared memories.
Go Stargazing
Find out when the next meteor shower will be visible in your area and ask your date to accompany you for a night of stargazing. You get bonus points if you set up a tent and turn it into a camping experience. If you don’t live near a camping spot, you can always stargaze in your backyard and cuddle under a warm blanket.
Read a Book Together
Find a book you think you will both like and spend time reading together. The intimacy of reading and cuddling is a wonderful experience. After each chapter or time together, you can discuss what you read and have in-depth conversations. There is nothing better than a meeting of the minds.
Try Something New!
Couples who participate in activities that are off the beaten dating track show a significant hike in relationship satisfaction. So what are you waiting for? Try something new–you and your partner may be in for a pleasant surprise!
What are your favorite date ideas to do with your spouse or partner? Share in the comments below! .
Emelina is a lifestyle blogger at Awareness. She’s currently based in Montreal, Canada.
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Cook-off challenge: He already does all the cooking—as well as making the best elk chilli around! (We are originally from southern Illinois and CHILLI is spelled with two Ls)
Kayaking: We now live in Florida, and we could be eaten by alligators!
Art Class: He wants to know if the models are naked!
Scrabble: Generally leads to nuclear war!
Stargazing: On a blanket in our yard would mean being carried off by bugs, and being dropped in the lake and eaten by alligators!
Reading a book together: I tend to read books with no sex, no violence, and no bad language. He wants to know why!
Actually, we have been married for 51 years, he is US Army Retired, which included VietNam, bouncing around the world for several years, and continuing to deal with the side effects of Agent Orange. Two kids, and six grandkids! On our honeymoon in 1970, we rented a dune buggy to get around. We now live in a retirement community, drive a golf cart everywhere, and last night we went to karaoke night! It has always been an adventure!
My husband served two years in Japan in the army. We love the military. Love your message. I was smiling throughout. Have a nice day. Warmly, Honey
Well, I always love hearing ways to add excitement to life!
Cook Off: This will be fun for me because I’ll win. I had to teach the hubby a few things in the kitchen after I had hand surgery. But thank God I froze a bunch of meals or he would have been lost. You know spoiling him was my own fault. We have been married for 40 years. I only found out 2 year ago after another surgery that he only know how to scrambled or boil eggs (which is rare for him to do any cooking). So I taught him how to do make the easy over eggs.He is so proud he can now! Poor guy it is my fault, but it’s a joy to take care of him.
Kayaking: It scares me to death to have water hit me in the face. But take a boat or house boat out on a lake would a lot of fun!
Art Class: There are so many you can take this is a great idea! I am a gardener/crafter/quilt/ builders daughter who loves to work with my hand. I think a pottery class or building anything would support too! My honey he loved building model as a kid and we enjoy many hubbies together.
Scrabble or any game: He hates playing games. I think it’s because he want to always win. Haha He plays game only with grandkids. This could change when stops working and feels free to have fun!
Stargazing: This would fun in the car through the skylight window. Mosquito love me too much to lay in the yard and what about fleas. I not a fan of bugs but I love Stargazing.
Read a book together: He love me to read to him and I love him to read to me. To you above Judith Taylor reader you can always read a christian book about improving your marriage and we are always open to making our marriage more exciting with trip and shared times together. Go out there and find what make a
Thank you for your input. And writing to me. Warmly, Honey
This was a wonderful post! My husband who battles Parkinson’s and I (the driver) enjoy many books on cd together as we drive the 5 hours to our fixer upper home on the gulf coast. All of the project we are managing ourselves and some of it doing ourselves. He is 79 and I am a “young 69”! Life is as rich as you can make it!
I applaud you both. Life is as rich as you can make it. How true. Warmly, Honey