I'm Honey!

As a woman who has lived through many passages and learned through my larger than life experiences (positive and negative), I’ve discovered how to take a big empowering bite out of life.

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The statistics of loneliness say 60% of people have complaints of loneliness - Honey Good I use flower metaphors for positivity

After the age of 50+, we should be blooming beautifully and enjoying the fruits of life – flower are a metaphor for positivity!

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Of All the Flower Metaphors, I Most Relate To…

Life is filled with flower metaphors, and I live life by my favorite one, through rose-colored glasses! Since childhood, I have used my eyes more than my mind to take in life. My eyes have always been the windows to other worlds. My darlings, that’s another way of saying I am an observer of people, places, and all things, especially flowers in bloom.

Our paths to womanhood begin with a small bud. With nurturing and positive growth over the years, the bud blossoms into a flower. After the age of 50+, we should be blooming beautifully and enjoying the fruits of life. Flowers represent this positivity, and, darlings, I believe everyone should have a positive attitude or as I call it, a rose-colored glasses attitude. How fitting!

You may also enjoy my story, How to Remove Roadblocks and Enjoy Success, and How to Live Your Life With Contentment After 50.

My Childhood Interactions With Flowers

As a child, I picked wildflowers for my mom on my 11-block walk home from grade school. I did not like to look at the snapdragons my mom planted but I admired the colorful pansies and impatiens, waiting to see these flowers in full bloom. I became friends with Mr. Suess, an older man down the street who cut the grass because my mom feared my dad would get a hernia!

My first connection with flowers began when I handed a small bunch of wildflowers to my mom and watched Mr. Suess gently cultivate the soil around the pansies and impatiens. Both my mom’s and Mr. Suess’s smiles allowed me to recognize that working with and gifting flowers drives strong sentiments of joy in others’ lives.

Positivity Through Flowers

Positivity Through Flowers at the Farmer's Market

Do you think that flowers are a metaphor for life?

I connect to flowers because they instill a feeling of positivity within me. A positive attitude is a breath of fresh air. Admiring them in their natural habitat allows me to bloom with positive inspiration and creativity. Flowers often inspire feelings of spontaneity, peace, and wellbeing — their beauty flowers in me a sense of calm. There are even many bible verses about flowers and nature.

A woman’s life can be comparable to a mixed garden of flowers, ranging from the Snapdragon, which I personally didn’t care for as a child, to the orchid, which I have always adored. In other words, while some days are better than others, every day we bloom like flowers to some degree.

Read this breakdown of the top flower subscription services!

Blooming in Other Aspects

I learned from experience that not all women enjoy receiving flowers. I can still envision the day I brought my Ultimate Concierge’s mother a bouquet. She told me never to bring her flowers again because she did not like them.

By the way, darling, I loved her. So for those of you who do not like flowers, you can associate positivity and blooming power with other things in your life.

Our Chicago Home — A Flower Growing & Plant Haven

I always have a botanical garden of flowers and plants in their natural habitat in our homes because flowers are beautiful, uplifting, and harmonious with my vision of life: to bloom as a woman at all stages.

flowers are a metaphor and a must have in my home

Our dining room includes plants in every possible place.

My apartment in the sky limits me to some degree. I have always had orchids  (did you know you can buy live orchids online, now!) in every room of our apartment. However this year, unfortunately, the crop was not great. I feel a void without them.

We have two huge palm trees in the dining room and a green area carpet with flowers on the dining room floor. We placed tall plants in huge Chinese fishbowls in the living room and usually have fresh flowers in our bedroom and guest room. Our bed linens contain bouquets of flower and the bathroom wallpaper similarly contains floral accents.

flowers are a metaphor

Of course, our coffee table continues the theme of greenery!

On the Other Coast

When we had a home in California, our home was filled with tall trees — two of which were 25+ years old — and every room contained orchids. Our homes are intentionally filled with flowers and trees because I need flowering greenery and the peaceful benefits it brings.

Flowers are a metaphor of the style of life I require, a mix of beauty and peace.

Flowers in Full Boom — Seek Out the Positivity

For those of you who love them, take the time to pick up a bouquet or a little violet plant at an outdoor market during the summer. It is a wonderful feeling to carry them home in your arms, cut them down a bit in the kitchen, arrange them in a glass vase with fresh water and place them around your home.

After all, only with positivity can a woman bloom.

A Story of the First Flower

During the process of writing Stories For My Grandchild, I asked my editor Kerrie if I could participate in the creative process. We bonded over the phone and even more so when we met in New York over breakfast with my ultimate concierge.

I wanted the book to include flowers because I visualized a grandmother spreading the seeds of her fertile life through story for her grandchildren as a lifetime keepsake.

The Process of Creation

Honey Good's book stories for my grandchild is a fun thing to do with grandchildren

The front on my book presents a representation of the first flower in the world!

My first step included researching the history of the flower. Our goal was to find a replica of the first flower in the world! And I did find both the article and a photograph from the Smithsonian.

“The evidence of flowers,” Charles Dickens famously noted, “was an abominable mystery” because they burst onto the scene in fossils that are 100 million years old. Bernard Game, a paleobotanist from France, filled in the blanks.

He classified Montsechia as a conifer because it possessed enclosed seeds, the hallmark of a flowering plant. Montsechia dates back 130 million years ago. Its pollen floated in the water, not in the air, and it embodied the origins of glorious blooming forms of flowers we see all over the world today.

I was so excited when I read the article that I sent my idea to Kerrie.

The cover of my book Stories of my Grandchild is more or less a replica of the flower. Each time I glance at the cover of the book, I see that flower as a replica of women and womanhood.

Your Flowering Life

For those of us over 50, we can use the flower as a positive symbol of what is to come over the next several years of our life, a life filled with a stronger understanding of relationships, a time for adventure and newfound knowledge as well as a time to appreciate the woman we have become with all our inward finery.

Positivity is the key to a life of continual blooming, no matter what life throws at you! This may help you ward off loneliness as a woman over 50.

Fill your home with one little flowering plant like the lovely violet, or create a house full of them if that is your preference, and sprinkle textures of flowering print designs throughout your home. Perhaps like me, flowers may also decorate your journal where you record your thoughts and memories. Flowers are a metaphor for life after all!


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September 27, 2023

Gardening, Home, Houseplants, Passages After 50, Self Care

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  1. Sandra Duncan says:

    Oh, Honey! This was such a wonderful post! I love flowers, especially hydrangeas! My neighbors have a gorgeous garden, which I envy, but do not have the time or energy to imitate. I get the greatest pleasure from looking out from my sunporch and seeing their garden in bloom! One sad thing about the coronavirus quarantine is that flowers are not as readily available for purchase as they have been in the past.

  2. patricia nisenholz says:

    I LOVEEEEEEE this blog!! I was once told that my eyes were the window to my soul. I have never forgotten that nor the person who told me that.

    Flowers are a very important part of my environment and me. Inside & outside. Every Friday night for Shabbat. Love orchids.. but they do not love me. My biggest champion is my hibisicus… which began outside 3 yrs ago and has bloomed inside during winter and each summer outside. I am sure there is a metaphor for this !!
    I love the two palm leaves on your coffee table… where does one get them??

    May we keep “bloomin”.

  3. Paulette says:

    Beautiful and inspiring.

  4. Carmen Miranda says:

    Hi, Honey
    I cannot imagine my life without flowers.
    My Mom would buy batches of white lilies for her dining table. Aunt Lila always had African Violets, she was my favorite aunt. To this day I always have African Violets. Now my youngest princess took my most beautiful violet for her study desk. Flowers bring joy to life. Thank you for your lovely article. I love orchids too.

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