Let’s chat about my newest technology obsession, Slack!
You can become happier after the age of 50. Just ask Google! Google recommends that you focus on achievement, not luck. Express your Gratitude through meditation. Plan your to-do list. Make breakfast a pleasant ritual. Use small gestures to strengthen relationships.
I am aware there are many women in the world over 50 who feel invisible, anxious, bored, and lonely because of aging and all our stuff that goes with it. Fortunately, you don’t have to be a nihilist, a person who gives up on happiness.
How do you do this? Pull up a chair, grab a cup of coffee or tea and let me be your personal Google for the next five minutes.
Pursuing Your Interests
First of all, I know our lives are all different. Nevertheless, I think our thoughts are similar because all of us are looking for our personal prescription to flourish and find fulfillment after 50 years old.
Over the course of 50 plus years, we change the paths of our lives. So don’t stop now. I want to inspire you to think about replacing the negative words bored and anxious with positive words willfulness and desire.
Sure, it is hard to make changes, but if I can do it, you can too. When you embark on a purpose that interests you, you won’t have time to think about aging. You won’t feel invisible. Your feeling of loneliness can be put to rest if you join a group of women with diversified interests who hold discussions on marvelous issues.
Determining Your Goals
The first step is to ask yourself, what is your goal? Be specific because Google can’t help you with this answer.
I wasn’t specific when I made a big shift that has been life-changing. At that time, I did not have goals. I did not question if I had the necessary knowledge to attain my goals. Instead, I was enamored by the words of a writer who told me if I kept a journal for three months, I would find my voice! Oy!
Finding Fruition Over The Past Few Years
I simply followed her advice and never missed a day. I was disciplined and happy as a lark writing every day with my newfound hobby. One thing led to another and today, I am the CEO of an online business. I am not bragging; I am in shock!
When I look at my Instagram that has 34.3K followers and a bio that reads Hip 21st Century Grandmother, Empowering Visibility in Women 50+, CEO, Boxer, Author, and World Traveler. I am humbled, grateful, and happy that I listened to my heart and embraced my needs to find my purpose.
How I did it is not the key. The fact that I did it and am doing it is the key to living a fruitful life.
I Embraced New Technology with Slack
I could not run this company alone and the people who hold my hand at HoneyGood.com bring me much joy. They are technology scholars and nail bitters as they deal with my growing set of technological skills.
This month, they were startled that I grasped a new application called Slack. It took me five minutes to learn and I understood. From the onset, I got Slack!
What Is Slack, Darlings? Ask Google!
The easiest way to explain Slack is that it is a new layer of technology designed to eliminate email as your primary method of communication and sharing. It replaces emails within a company.
If an organization has 10,000 employees and each employee writes an average of 30 emails a day, that is 30,000 emails within that company per day!
Slack allows workplaces to organize communication through channels for group discussions. Its private messaging allows users within the organization to easily share information, files, and more in your private channels or group channels, avoiding thousands of unnecessary emails that do not pertain to you.
The Honey Good Team Uses Slack Daily
Everyone at Honey Good has their private channel, a group channel for all, and a few channels specified by topic. I think of Slack as an organized means of texting. Slack messages are not long. I use emails for longer discussions.
I love Slack and by accident, I called it Stack once because their messages line up so easily. You can set up a personal Slack with a group of friends or your family and your grands. Slack is not only for companies. If I got it, you’ll easily understand it too.
Have you heard of Slack before? Is it a technology that you think would be helpful for you too?
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I use Slack all the time with different groups. It’s like getting all your emails packaged nicely into groups and it makes life much easier when you’ve got lots of different things on the go. Good for you Honey. I’m sure you’ll find it makes communication with your team quicker and easier. That means more time for writing!
I like Slack very much. I am glad you do too. Between Slack, three email addresses, texting and others, I am so busy, I am dizzy!!!! Warmly, Honey