I'm Honey!

As a woman who has lived through many passages and learned through my larger than life experiences (positive and negative), I’ve discovered how to take a big empowering bite out of life.

Oh My, Ponder This:








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If you’re struggling to be thankful, catch love!

Truth be told, like all of you, I am thankful for everything!


I am thankful for my mistakes, my self-inflicted punishments, my surprise accomplishments, the joy in watching a sunrise, the stars in the sky, my ability to forgive, my love of nature and my curious mind, my lack of fear to test all waters and explore the unknown, my home, my love of art and beauty, my plants, my fierceness as an empowered and enlightened woman, my lack of jealousy and my joy for others, my treadmill, my optimism, my assistant, my personal shopper, my hairdresser, my admiration for women of all ages, Ernie, my concierge, S.Pellegrino water, the joy in giving back, my health, my parents, my grandmothers, my aunts and every person who has at one time or another touched me and made my heart sing, I am grateful.

As I reread the above paragraph, I did take note that I did not mention that I am thankful for material possessions. It is pleasure at the moment. My ultimate concierge worked hard which has allowed me to lead a lovely lifestyle but I would be happy with far less.


I’m most thankful for my ultimate concierge

Put to the test, I am most grateful that the stars were in alignment, yes I believe in fate, the day I met my ultimate concierge. The deep love I have for my guy is what I am most thankful for because, without love, the world does not go round and round. And, my world filled with his love for the past 30+ years has spun and spun through the best of times and the worst of times.

Sheldon F Good is the nicest person I know. He has earned without trying- my gratitude, my trust, my respect, and the deepest love I have ever felt for anyone. He is my protector, my teacher, my everything. He adores me and I adore him. This is what I am most thankful for – love.

On his birthday the first year of our marriage, I wrote a poem in his honor. It was early morning on a beautiful summer day when I sat down at my desk in our apartment in the sky and in ten minutes or less I wrote my feelings about him in a poem. I framed it in a Tiffany frame – his birthday present from me to him. The original poem still sits in its Tiffany frame in our den. I would love to share it with you. To this day, he says it was his favorite birthday gift.


He’s Perfect
He’s Exciting
He’s Charming
He’s Kind
He’s Giving
He’s Funny
He’s Loving
He’s Mine!

He’s Macho
He’s Clever
He’s Caring
He’s Sharing
He’s Thoughtful
He’s Patient
He’s Friendly
He’s Daring

He’s Running
He’s Talking
He’s Doing
He’s Reading
He’s Working
He’s Busy
He’s Planning
He’s Leading!

He’s Thinking
He’s Moving
He’s Golfping
He’s Pacing
He’s Dialing
He’s Calling
He’s Fiddling
He’s Racing!

He’s Husband
He’s Father
He’s Papa
He’s Son
He’s Brother
He’s Friend
He’s CEO
He’s Fun!

Life is never boring
We’re always on the go
Shelly, “Your my best friend”
And the nicest person I know!

Happy 60th.

Suzi 6/4/93


How to catch love

To give and receive love is what makes life worth living. Without the capacity to give and accept love, life is meaningless. No one can live a charmed life without love.


Find positivity

I know there are multiple demands from others placed on us; some negative. This happens within our families, the workplace, our friendships, and in conversations with strangers and acquaintances such as waiters, clerks, doctors, lawyers, teachers, cab drivers, and a mirage of others. This means that each of us has to look inside ourselves and work to create our own destiny and fill it with love. That is how you catch love.


Pursue positive people

You have to pursue people who support your feelings while disentangling yourself from those that bring ire. You have to engage in groups that bring you joy. You have to leave a job because you don’t feel appreciated, you have to have a heart-to-heart with someone in your family, and you have to delete those people and things from your life that irritate, exasperate and feed your soul with negativity. You have the ability to reward yourself with… love. That is how one catches love.


Find lessons in your journey

Use your wisdom, and what you have learned as a woman over 50, and start where you are to get your life exactly where you want it to be. It takes wisdom and hard work but it is worth it to feel and give back… love. That is how you catch love, darling


celebrate life after 50, Honey Good's private Facebook group


Look within

If you are alone, you don’t have to be. It is up to you to reach the heights and find what type of love brings you bliss. You may need help. It is out there. You have to find it. That is how you catch love.


Find true joy

It may be a person, it may be a pet, it may be a hobby, it may be a community in a group online, it may be reentering college, it may be travel, it may be spending time alone and indulging in yourself. It may be giving back. It may be apologizing to someone you hurt, It may be nature, it may be a move, it may be something I have not thought of but rest assured it is out there and all it takes is for you to reach it to find…love. This is how you catch love.


Self-care is so important

With all the outside complexities in life, I have learned to deal by using practical strategies. I have learned to nourish myself; so nourish yourself. I have learned in unpleasant situations to improve my attitude; so can you. I have learned how to be more effective and you will too. I have learned to relax though hard to do. These are all loving approaches to practice on yourself so you can find love in your personal life. You deserve to love yourself. This is how you catch love.


I’m so thankful for all the lessons, no matter how hard

I have been beyond blessed with my ultimate concierge. You have been blessed too with someone or some things. Thank God.

I wake up every morning thanking God for the wonder of the day. I start my day by giving thanks that I have my Shelly, I think about making lots and lots of sound choices and engaging myself in positive life-loving affirming goals. I get up walking on the sunny side of the street, even if I am thrown a curve ball because I am resilient, have the positive gene, and am filled with love. My motto is …simply be. Isn’t that a lovely phrase? This is how you find love.

I let love engulf me with a multitude of things every hour of the day in some way. I am smiling. This is truly a way to find love. Be loving!


What are you thankful for darling? Even when life is hard I’m sure you can find beauty in the lessons!

November 23, 2022


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  1. Deborah Pizzurro says:

    This is your best writing ever. I couldn’t agree more. Its all there all you have to do is open yourself to it.

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