Passages After 50

Why Your Children Critique Your Grandparenting and How to Handle It

By guest contributor Barbara Boxer My husband and I have a delicious six-year-old Granddaughter. She is the apple of our eyes. When our little darling sleeps over, we are under strict instructions to have her in bed by 7:30 p.m. We usually manage to get her into bed close to 7:30 p.m. and she goes right to […]

Passages After 50

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Traveling to Bali and Singapore. Here Comes Honey!

(A photo from a previous adventure!) Traveling to Bali and Singapore is in my plans for this week. What an opportunity; I am beyond grateful. When it comes to opportunities, I have an idea why some of us are enthusiastic souls, and some of us derail chance after chance. However, I am hardly the cautious […]

Passages After 50, Relationships

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Keep Tradition Alive

How To Keep Family Traditions Alive And Well

Like many of you, I lead a multifaceted lifestyle. I awake almost every morning wondering if I should go left or right. It seems I never go straight ahead — too many twists and turns in the road of life. This morning proved different, and I am smiling because I thought about all the families […]

Passages After 50, Relationships

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Grateful for MOXIE! and more…

From the time I was a small child I just knew I would lead a fascinating life. My intuition has come true. My life has been a saga. You should only know, darlings. Some things one keeps private and that is proper. Most of my life is an open book and today is no exception. […]

Passages After 50

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Susan Honey Good

Who I am and why I matter. (Hint: You do, too!)

Today, the New York Times published a story about, MOXIE! and the power found in connection. Little did I know, when I started several years ago, that my musings and our community would end up in the New York Times. After all, I wasn’t searching for attention when I began; I was […]

Passages After 50

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Many women over 50 do. I have found, the key to feeling relevant, important, and VISIBLE lies within you. I hope my free eBook will help you rediscover your purpose, and see the value that I so clearly see in you. 

as a woman, do you feel invisible?