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As a woman who has lived through many passages and learned through my larger than life experiences (positive and negative), I’ve discovered how to take a big empowering bite out of life.

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America the Dog on a comfy bed, getting better sleep

There is nothing so important as a good night’s sleep. What many don’t realize, is how important sleep is for your skin. I know when I have a fitful night’s sleep versus a restless one. I am usually rearing to go in the morning. On occasion, I wake up feeling out of sorts and unfocused. I don’t know why this happens when my life is a bowl of cherries.
Naturally, I do know why I sleep poorly when I have something serious on my mind. And, my skin shows and feels its’ effect too. I always have a little puff under my left eye when I toss and turn. It is my little messenger though I figured out a way to bid it farewell. Read below.
I want to discuss sleep habits because so many women’s friends complain about their sleep.
The quality and length of sleep you receive every night can impact on your skin’s overall health, darlings. When we sleep our bodies recharge. Not only do our bodies recharge, our skin does as well.
If you don’t believe me, take it from the experts! Dr. Kaleroy Papantoniou, a board-certified NYC dermatologist, explains. “During sleep, we heal, restore and eliminate toxins from the skin. If sleep is compromised, so is the body’s ability to carry out these essential skin functions.
“During the first three hours of sleep, your body will start producing the human growth hormone from the pituitary gland. As we age, this hormone is necessary for the maintenance of youthful and radiant skin. Without this hormone release, skin is not repaired from daily damage and thus induces the aging process.
“The middle two hours of sleep is when melatonin is increased. Melatonin is a hormone that regulates your circadian rhythm (in other words, when you wake up and fall asleep). But it also acts as an antioxidant that helps protect the skin from damaging free radicals.”
In the final three hours, or during the active REM sleep stage, levels of cortisol (the stress hormone) decrease. Dr. Papantoniou explains. “The skin’s temperature also drops to its lowest point, allowing muscles to relax and become immobile. Giving skin its deepest recovery of the night.”



1. Supplement Your Sleep

As we age, our bodies naturally produce less melatonin, which affects your skin’s ability to repair itself at night. If falling asleep is becoming more difficult, you may benefit from taking a melatonin supplement. Or using a topical product with melatonin to help combat decreased hormone levels.
I get my melatonin on Amazon but you can also purchase them at your local drug store. With Melatonin, more is not better. Cleveland Clinic recommends starting at 1 mg.
Melatonin works best if taken at night about 30 minutes before going to bed. This is when it serves its purpose, and helps to increase the depth and duration of restorative sleep. Restorative sleep in turn helps accelerate and optimize the skin’s repair cycle.

2. Make it Nice + Cleanse it Twice

Have you ever washed your makeup off before bed, yet mysteriously woken up with liner smudged under your eyes? Turns out that’s normal, especially if you used long-lasting makeup, which really does live up to its name!
Here’s why: 12 to 24-hour foundations, mascaras, eyeliners, and eye shadows are all made with polymers. These polymers don’t dissolve with soap and water easily. Or even water-based makeup remover.
Dr. Papantoniou says, “To really remove all traces of your makeup, take a cue from Korean skincare and wash your face twice. Using a method called “double cleansing.”
First, use an oil-based cleanser to remove your makeup. The oil breaks down the waxes and polymers way more effectively than soap and water. You can purchase an oil-based make-up remover, like this top rated Allure pick from Sephora. Or even use coconut oil on a Q-tip to gently remove more stubborn makeup on your skin. Then, use a gentle non-soap cleanser to rid your skin of any leftover residue. An example of a gentle cleanser is Cerave Foaming Facial Cleanser.

3. Moisturize, Moisturize, & Moisturize Your Skin

While you sleep, your skin naturally repairs and restores itself, and cleaning it before bed maximizes this effect.
Dr. Papanatoniou points out that, “During the day, your skin fights off all sorts of assaults. From UV rays to pollution; at night, there’s less damage control to do, so the beauty products that you apply may be more effective. “
“Applying night creams to clean skin in the evening is the best time to soften your skin. Not to mention, it can feel soothing and relaxing as you prep for sleep.”

4. Put on a Sleep Mask

Moisturizing overnight masks (like this one) are a great way to treat your skin and give it the extra attention it deserves. The skin undergoes more cellular repair during sleep and can be more receptive to products at this time. Try using an overnight mask a few times a week in lieu of going through your usual nighttime regimen. Simply cleanse, slather on a layer of the mask, and go to sleep. Simple!

5. Keep Your Hair Off Your Face

Pull your hair back into a loose ponytail or wrap it in a scarf before going to bed. This will prevent the hair’s natural oils from rubbing off on your skin. This is especially important if your hair is unwashed or you are prone to acne breakouts.

6. Get The Right Pillowcases

It’s worth it to invest in some soft pillowcases. Friction from harsher cotton fibers can accelerate the development of permanent creases. Dr. Papantoniou suggests trying a smooth silk or satin pillowcase. These prevent trauma to the skin and reduces the probability of your skin forming lines and wrinkles while you sleep. Also remember to change and wash your pillowcases at least once a week.

7. Rejuvenate With a Retinoid

Choose an anti-age cream or serum that packs real power. These vitamin-a derivatives are key to youthful-looking skin. But because exposure to sunlight can deactivate their potency, it’s best to apply retinoids at night. Start by using an OTC retinol-containing cream or serum every other night. Do this until skin becomes more tolerant to the side effects, which are often dryness and sensitivity.

8. Apply Eye Cream

Having problems with eye bags and puffiness after you wake up? Try applying eye cream before sleeping to help solve this. Gently apply the cream around your eyes especially under them to replenish the moisture surrounding your eyes.
Make sure you stay hydrated during the day. This can help prevent water retention and will combat your sodium intake during the day.
Cucumbers are the best. I enjoy the food and a puffy under-eye enjoys the feeling of an applied slice of cucumber’s coolness and effect.  A slice of cucumber takes away my little puff!

9. Mind Your Sleeping Position

Train yourself not to sleep face down. This habit can cause premature wrinkles and creases. It’s better to position yourself properly while sleeping. This will also prevent your face from rubbing against pillowcases and sheets.
If you are lucky and can sleep on your back, that is the best way to prevent wrinkles and creases from sleep habits.

Are you already employing these tips for your skin? Please share in the comments.

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Searching For Peace Among The Chaos

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May 12, 2022


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  1. I find it helpful when you suggested that a person should take a melatonin supplement about 30 minutes before going to bed so that one can accelerate and optimize the skin’s repair cycle in return. Aside from that, one can also invest in a wrinkle-prevention pillow as part of one’s self-care regimen. Doing this will help a person retain their youthful look for longer.

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